[hr][hr] [center][color=B0C4DE][h1]Riley Ridgeway[/h1][/color] [img]http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/20200000/Avril-Gifs-avril-lavigne-20220597-500-240.gif[/img] [I]Location: Camp Mexico Beach, Florida, W (Quarantine) Skills:[/i][/center] [hr][hr] Riley continued to try and console Amelia as best as she could while gently rubbing her back, looking at her Riley knew she was obviously distressed. Riley knew that Shears was only simply doing his job, and it was their community their rules but she was determined to try and stay. [color=B0C4DE]"Hey, Amelia it's just hair. It's going to grow back and you will have your beautiful red locks again."[/color] Riley said, trying to cheer her up a bit more. Riley had been bullied her entire school life, and considered an outcast pretty much she didn't care to much about what others thought of her, or what she wore or looked. Yes being bald was a bit humiliating but these days not to many people really cared what you looked like now. Riley looked up at Doc and gave him a slight nod as she got up and started to follow him out of the room looking at Amelia for a second. [color=B0C4DE]"It's going to be okay, just stick with me."[/color] She said, trying to reassure her, at least she wasn't going to spend the next three days alone and confined to a single room for three days. [color=B0C4DE]"Thank you."[/color] Riley said, when Doc said he could try and get them scarves or something. As soon as she entered the conference room, Riley instantly picked up the scent of the food that was within the room she hadn't had anything real to eat in months now. She turned towards the man named Goat, she didn't know his name but smiled slightly and gave him a slight nod. [color=B0C4DE]"Thanks."[/color] Riley said softly as she made her way over towards the table and grabbed herself a plate. Doc and Mae seemed to be butting heads over the food, she decided to just make herself a very small plate, and found an empty place and sat down closing her eyes as she started to enjoy the first real meal she had in what felt like two years. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=magenta]Erica Monroe[/color][/h1] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/8bf347ec633f0fa0527237b2c16eba81/tumblr_inline_nlbbx8uIVa1t8icws.gif[/img] [I]Location: Camp Mexico Beach, Florida, W (Quarantine) Skills:[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Erica gave Wayne a few stares as he continued to mow down his food, as she sat back and ate hers she was still in heaven as she enjoyed her food. It felt like forever since her last real meal either as she turned her attention towards Goat and gave him a slight nod and gave him a smile. "Well cant wait to hear it then." she said, as she looked over towards the door as one of them people came in it was the blonde girl, now she was completely bald. She was glad she didn't have to get her head shaved off, as Erica finished up the rest of her meal, she was about to get up when Doc and Mae started to get into it. Erica didn't eat that much, and didn't want the risk of having to puke everywhere either as she watched them for a bit. Erica made her way over and sat them down on the counter, giving the doctor a slight smile. [color=magenta]"Could always have them clean up the mess if some of us end up getting sick."[/color] She suggested.