Nodding to his words she was slightly less embarrassed on the fact she didn't know how to shoot. Though she felt bad for Jacen since he was stuck with her for now. Till he could get away from her that is. Smiling to how he wanted to help she was pleased. "Thank you. You have helped a lot. I do appreciate it." Her voice having gratitude for Jacen. Noticing his pain which was mostly caused from the fall he took. She wanted to help but knowing it was probably something he had to sleep off. Still she wanted to ask if he was okay but she didn't. "You would have made if off. Don't flatter me." Astra stated as she looked at him. "Conpared to you I am something that is just pulling you back. You could've easily got off that ship with or without me." She did feel that was the truth though. He was just being kind and trying to be nice.