Fendros looked away, thinking behind his discomfort. "Well, I might see if his...professionalism extends to his attitudes against Argonians. Hearing that he fought Argonians in a losing war makes me think he is unlikely to underestimate you as harshly as Teroiah did." He half-heartedly nodded upwards. "You might find out if he has more tricks up his sleeve, magically speaking. I don't really know what else there would be." [hr] While they headed to Thorantilth's hut, Janius eyed the activity around them. He wondered if it would feel somewhat strange to stay behind for one more night if everyone decided to leave today. He doubted they would set out late in the afternoon, but the tribe was nothing if not full of surprises to him. Janius decided to keep Julan company for a little while as the finishing touches of the tattoos were applied. He hid his surprise when Zharanthixil walked in, instead smiling. He nodded at Zharanthixil's statement. [i]"Just like Kaleeth-rei is. It has been good to find the tribe again.[/i]