[hider=Riccun Marr] [h3][b]The Exiled Lord Riccun of House Marr[/b][/h3] [img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/aifF5qGFb35q1Px6WxrlUHEJU1Mz3fFTjt1dRO12TCw/https/i.pinimg.com/564x/d1/ed/99/d1ed9987b26db514df417de2d9f8e0eb.jpg?width=488&height=482[/img] Race: Human Faction: Rebellion Age: 28 Description: Riccun stands with a regal posture at almost all times (except when he is drinking), remaining composed and intimidating. His height is around 6'1" (1.8 meters) with a healthy physique. Riccun is usually wearing his noble attire to retain his presence to others and remind them of his class. He keeps his facial hair light and his hair cut short. A sword is almost always attached to his belt, but it has hardly ever seen actual fighting. Personality: Riccun keeps a reputation of an intimidating presence, yet to close friends he shows a relaxed attitude. He tends to keep quiet about his own poor drinking choices, and most of the time does not acknowledge they exist. Despite the flaw, Riccun remains loyal to the rebellion, and has a personal hatred towards the king. "Class": Nobleman Motivation: Desires to get his revenge on the king and reclaim his land. History: Riccun was the only son born into House Marr, a once proud and rich house that was beginning to crumble from its rival houses. While his family owned the city Curant in name, many other nobles were beginning to leech from mines and gain control wherever they could. When Riccun’s father died when Riccun was only thirteen, many predicted the collapse of House Marr. However, Riccun was a stubborn one, even at his young age. Trained endlessly by his mother and any other tutor that could he hired, Riccun learned the ins and outs of politics and logistics. Slowly, year by year, the nobleman was able to use his developed skills to save his own house and increase its power. The road was never smooth, and there were multiple points many thought he would fail, but Riccun barely managed to hold on each time. House Marr gained control of Curant and its mines once more, and proved itself as a powerhouse in the kingdom. Then a time came on the prospect of marriage for the young man. With no other successors, House Marr would be empty upon his death. He was offered the hands of many fair ladies, but started quite the controversy when he married an elf of all people. Her name was Fevra, and Riccun loved her with all his heart. It was not an easy path to get the marriage done, and afterwards the king had his eye fixed on the noble. The final straw towards Riccun’s exile was a sad tale. A noble of a lesser house accused an elf to have murdered his wife, and demanded his execution. As the lord over Curant, Riccun stood to judge the ordeal, and listened carefully to each side. A letter from the king arrived the second day into the trial, commanding Riccun to favor the noble to prove his loyalty. The letter stressed Riccun more than anything, and for days he did not sleep as he continued to delay a verdict. Evidence surmounted that the lesser noble was the true killer of his wife, and from Fevra’s encouragement to do the right thing, Riccun declared the lesser noble guilty and hanged him the day after. Riccun sent a hasty letter to the king explaining his decision, but it was already too late to remain a loyal noble. The king had sent a regiment of the Vanguard itself to deal with the nobleman. They slaughtered Riccun’s personal guard without mercy, and dragged Fevra out of her chambers. Riccun was caught off guard and was too late in making an escape plan for him and his wife to flee the city. Through means of evasion and jumping out a window, Riccun barely managed to escape, but watched in horror among the crowd as the Vanguard publicly executed his wife. He fled Curant with a few loyal followers soon after. His escape confounded the Vanguard, and the noble has been in hiding ever since, most only ever hearing rumors of his whereabouts. Strengths: Is a brilliant strategist Extremely persuasive when he needs to be Skilled in logistical studies Weakness: Indecisive at times Is not the best on actual combat Fixated on reclaiming Curant What is your character's greatest flaw? Riccun has developed a drinking problem after his exile, and has a tendency to disappear at least one night a week. [/hider]