[quote=@TheForgottenArc] "Hey! How have ya been?" He said with tired breaths as the Drampa touched down on the floor and as Indy bent to grab Twiggy to catch a ride on "That's Indy." He said pointing "And the girl's name is Margret." "What's HIS name?" Dan said, looking at the Drampa. [/quote] [quote=@iKatamalicious] ...[color=mediumseagreen][b]"Hello Zvi! What a beautiful pokemon!"[/b][/color] She smiled up at the boy before returning her attention to the Drampa, fumbling in her backpack for her pokedex to scan the Drampa. ... The robotic introduction only made the pokemon more interesting, Margo slightly enamored by the raw power. [/quote] Zvi chuckled at the sound of Margo's Pokedex, then looked to Dan, [b]"I call him Pawpaw. He basically raised me. I can't remember not being friends with him."[/b] Zvi then scratched the back of his head in a closed eyed smile. He was having a quick moment of reflection. The moment passed in an instant, and he looked back to the group in front of him. [b]"You all look wiped out! Would you like a ride!?"[/b] [[i]Insert what I assume to be everyone's acceptance here.[/i]] [b]"Okay then!"[/b] Zvi yelled out to them, before he leaned over and spoke to his Drampa [b]"Hey, do you think you could go find one of your buddies, so we can give them all a ride?"[/b] The Drampa snorted out a loud breath from its nose. [b]"Thanks Pawpaw!"[/b] Zvi then jumped off the Drampa, so it could fly away. Once the Drampa was gone, Zvi joined the group of teenagers to chat and wait for Pawpaw to come back with a friend. It wouldn't take too long, thirty minutes at most.