[@EpicKDP] [@Rune_Alchemist] [@Spike] [hider=Room 27-A (Meruin)] The short mage paused, processing the events as they came. Her roommates were a varied bunch, a far-cry from her last one - they were decidedly less personable. Still, at least one of her roommates was on a similar wavelength to her. With that being said... [color=green]"I did not mean to antagonize you,"[/color] Meruin addressed La'Tavia with a shrug. [color=green]"I just thought I should warn you. Any problems you create with fairies will come back with you here, after all."[/color] And wouldn't that be annoying. The Fair Folk could cause all manner of mayhem by accident - she shuddered to imagine what they could do with actual malicious intent. Turning her attention to Viola, she nodded. [color=green]"It would be a pity if you had my reputation."[/color] There was a slight scowl on her face as she said so, before she schooled her expression back into passivity. [color=green]"Let me set my things aside, and I'd be glad to talk."[/color] Walking inside, she regarded Nicholas and nodded in greeting, before proceeding to her respective room. [/hider] [@Ryteb Pymeroce] [@QueenNugget] [@Aviaire] [@Canidae] [hider=Room 25-A (Xinhua)] Xinhua bade her new acquaintance goodbye, and proceeded inside. No sooner had she stepped in when one of her roommates proceeded to manhandle yet another into eating breakfast. The priestess blinked owlishly as the girl meekly complied, and no sooner had she taken her first bite, proceeded to devour the food lain before her. Perhaps it was magic? A food mage? It would not be the strangest magic she'd come across in this school. Xinhua made way to her room, and unpacked. Stepping outside, there was yet another person - but that made five of them now, even though there were only four to a room. A friend, perhaps? [color=blue]"Well now, you certainly are a lively crowd,"[/color] said Xinhua with a slight smile. [color=blue]"I hope you do not mind me joining?"[/color] She took a seat next to where Liors had sat, and looked at the girl as she was about to leave. [color=blue]"Come now, it is bad manners to simply leave while we are all still eating. Sit and talk with us for a moment."[/color] Then she addressed the newcomer, Damien. [color=blue]"I am Xinhua, but please refer to me as [i]Nulong[/i]."[/color] She looked expectantly at them, silently urging them to do the same and introduce themselves. [/hider] [@unicorgi] [hider=Room 22-F (Francisco)] [color=aba000]"If you ever need an open ear, feel free to ring me up any time,"[/color] Francisco said with lopsided smile. The girl in front of him practically swooned, before catching herself and nodding. "I-I'll call you then!" came her stammered response. He said nothing in response, merely planting a tender kiss on the lips of his partner-for-the-night, and felt a twinge of satisfaction as he felt the girl melt at his touch. A moment later, the two went their separate ways, the girl blowing him a kiss as she left, and him responding by turning his head at an angle, as if to catch it on his cheek. Not even one day in and already finished one date. That was fast, even for him. He chuckled silently to himself. Hypnotism was such a convenient magic. Upon reaching his room, he took a deep breath and knocked thrice, before opening it. [i]'Manners maketh the man'[/i] and all that; even if there was no one around to see it. Inside he found that the dorm was already occupied. A blue-haired girl whose entire aura screamed [i]'punk'[/i] to him. He stood at the entrance with a meek smile on his face. [color=aba000]"Hey there,"[/color] he greeted, [color=aba000]"looks like we're roommates for this semester. Nice to meet you."[/color] [/hider] [@NorthernKraken] [@The Lost Dae] [@Savo] [hider=Room 22-A (Karen)] [color=brown]"Breathe in, breathe out,"[/color] Karen said aloud. She was standing before the door of her dormitory, which, given how late she had come, was fairly sure was already occupied. [color=brown]"It's just introductions. You've done this before. Get a grip girl!"[/color] She slapped her palms to her face for emphasis, and took a deep breath, before exhaling sharply. Knocking on the door sharply, she counted up to five seconds before stepping in, just to be safe. Upon seeing that the room was already occupied, she gave the two people in her sight a wave that looked more confident than she actually felt. [color=brown]"Hey there neighbors!"[/color] she said with a bit more enthusiasm than she intended. Oh well, might as well roll with it. [color=brown]"Nice to meet you guys now I'd love to chat but I've gotta put my stuff away first ciao!"[/color] She exhaled her sentence in one breath, then bolted as fast as she could without running towards her room, bag in tow. As soon as she was inside, she closed the door and collapsed face-first and screamed into the pillow. [/hider]