"I actually meant here in the area," Liam apologized. He was still worked up in anger for what had happened here. He noticed that the Alolan Sandshrew was tugging on his pant leg. "What's wrong, still not feeling well?" He inquired. He tried to check the Sandshrew once again. "No, everything seems normal, but just to be safe." Liam turned around to get an Orren Berry and when he turned around, a net flung out and grabbed the Sandshrew. Liam turned around to see the net coming to Jessie as she had a bunch of Alolan Vulpix in a bigger net as she laughs. Wobbafett stood nearby wearing a shocked look on his face. "I knew it! I knew we couldn't trust you three!" Liam roared. "No! Meowth and I had nothing to do with this, I swear!" James pleaded. "Jessie, let these poor ill Pokémon go!" "Yeah! James is right Jess!" Meowth added. "Need I remind you that we are the [i]bad guys[/i]?" Jessie added. She tossed a Luxury Ball out. "Mimikyu!" Jessie's Pokémon emerged. "Shadow Ball the Twerps!" She ordered. Mimikyu wouldn't move so Jessie had an idea. She distracted Mimikyu and tossed a Pikachu plush at Liam's feet. "Look Mimikyu there's a Pikachu." She sneered. Mimikyu lunged forward to fling a Shadow Ball at it. "Smaug! It's time to shine!" Liam sent out his Charizard. "Iron Tail!" Smaug slammed his tail into the Mimikyu before it landed its attack, activating Disguise and allowing Mimikyu to now take damage. Mikikyu got upset and tried to use Shadow Claw on Smaug, who reflexively dodged it. This meant the attack was about to hit a nearby Alolan Vulpix. Wobbafett jumped in the way and used Counter, knocking the attack back into Mimikyu, who was knocked into Jessie, freeing the Pokémon she had in the nets. "Smaug! Shadow Claw!" Smaug lunged forward and sent Jessie flying off into the distance with Mimikyu. The rest of her team ran off in the same direction. The Alolan Sandshrew returned to Liam's side. He tugged on Liam's pant leg again and pointed further into the cave, as if it wanted to show him something.