[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=F48CA7]Josephine Clark[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/c224f7b0f20cc6f4e3f50ca5c82b572e/tumblr_oazl0uJv271todga9o2_500.gif[/img][hr][b][color=F48CA7]Location:[/color][/b] Elite Deck (Josephine's Room) [b][color=F48CA7]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A[hr][/center] Josephine was awoken with the morning light entering her room window. She had slept as comfortably as one could given the circumstances. No one had entered her room again in order to steal more from her (or worse). She sat up in bed, scanning her environment before she got up and walked to the washroom to freshen herself up. She would face the day like she faced the others. Only difference now was she had a goal. She would find who stole from her. After that, well, she wouldn't be responsible for her actions. After she splashed some water on her face she got to her wardrobe to pick today's ensemble. She wanted to be comfortable, but not dressy. There was no need to get glamoured up right now. She opted for [url=https://www.modcloth.com/dw/image/v2/ABAT_PRD/on/demandware.static/-/Sites-modcloth-master/default/dw3c008920/images/10039264_every_opportunity_pants_black_MAIN.jpg?sw=768&sh=1097&sm=fit]Black Cambridge Pants[/url] and [url=https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51P-ksoczcL._UL1500_.jpg]A Sailor-Stlye Blouse[/url] along with a clean Mary Jane heel. Satisfied, she brushed her hair and gave it the necessary treatment and applied her make-up before grabbing her handbag. She checked the contents, aware of what she had on her, before she exited her room. She made a beeline for the dining room, anxious to share her discovery with the others. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=F7E2E8]Faye Masterson[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://steamusercontent-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/920294682284009688/2C3E86F3AEFCAC130B3FCF8AC67BC1264F2A7298/?interpolation=lanczos-none&output-format=jpeg&output-quality=95&fit=inside%7C1024%3A641&composite-to=*,*%7C1024%3A641&background-color=black[/img][hr][b][color=F7E2E8]Location:[/color][/b]Lower Level (Faye's Room) -> Lower Dreck Hallway [b][color=F7E2E8]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A[hr][/center] Faye was woken up by the sound of a large amount of glass breaking. She hoped it wasn't serious, but since she didn't hear panic she assumed the ship was all right. She sprang out of bed and opened her door a crack to check and saw the remnants of plateware on the ground. It seemed one of the crew had dropped it. Thankfully, there wasn't a large amount in front of her door. She closed it and went to get ready for the day. Today, she opted for her [url=https://wardrobeshop.com/8437/alexa-1920s-flapper-style-dress-in-mauve-by-nataya.jpg]Pink House Dress[/url] along with her light purple hat. After she checked herself out she grabbed her tools and went into the hallway. They had plans to meet in the dining room and she was a bit hungry. She moved around the dropped plateware. The crew would handle that and without the proper equipment she wouldn't be much help anyway. She would just injure herself. She made her way to the dining room and wondered what the day would bring her. More people overboard? A paranormal encounter? She could hardly wait.