Attention! [url=]The Flash[/url], as submitted by [@Hillan] [url=]Wonder Woman[/url], as submitted by [@Star Lord] [url=]The Night Shift[/url], as submitted by [@Byrd Man] [url=]The X-Men[/url], as submitted by [@Saint Maxx] [url=]Blade[/url], as submitted by [@Simple Unicycle] [url=]Spider-Man[/url], as submitted by [@DocTachyon] [url=]Supergirl[/url], as submitted by [@Inkarnate] [url=]Daredevil[/url], as submitted by [@Roman] [img][/img] Please move your accepted sheets into the character tab and await the launch of the IC. Those of you accepted now also have certain say over any characters related to yours (IE Legacy) but if the GM staff feel as though you're being unfair are able to step in and arbitrate the situation. Looking forward to seeing these stories unfold in the coming weeks.