[@BingTheWing] I hate to say it but I'm not sure how much I can ultimately get behind this idea? Much as I like it in concept, I'm not sure how I'd feel about Stark manufacturing symbiote tech that quickly. Peter's only had the thing for a month or so at the time my story starts, and Oscorp hadn't had it for too long before that -- that Stark would be able to throw something together that's beyond Spider-Man level power in that time is a little troubling to me, especially considering Sep's concerns. I'm not entirely opposed to the idea of a Miles Morales, but part of the problem is that I'm shooting for a fairly small, intimate Year One story, and having an expansive Spider-Family from the get-go might mess with that. Sorry. As for [@alexfangtalon] and [@CosmicComet] on Silk, I'm fairly against the idea of Silk as it stands? Her origin is pretty inherently tied to Peter's and it feels weird to have so many Spider-people that prominent from the get-go, if that makes sense. Plus I don't really know how her origin would be modified to suit Spidey's new symbiote-based origin, so I think it might be better to shelve this idea for an few arcs, if that's no hassle. Sorry to shoot you guys down, but the more I think about it the more specific my vision for Spider-Man is, I guess. Sorry!