[url=https://ibb.co/HC0MnY5][img]https://i.ibb.co/ZS3wWKq/Aeries-Name.jpg[/img][/url] [@NorthernKraken][@TheHangedMan] Aeries felt the air around her becoming still, and had a sense she shouldn't be standing in that very spot for very long, and so as the air itself stilled and the temperature fell for the correlation between movement and temperature wasn't lost on the young time mage, she stepped backwards using her time manipulation to guarantee she was outside the active affect before commenting to the one who had named herself Freya. "Hey now, that was just rude! I guess that tells me you use destruction magic as well, as I felt it getting cold and still, Ice mage?" she would ask getting excited again as she began bouncing from foot to foot again. If any had seen her move they would have described her movements as perfectly balanced and graceful, to those inside her sphere of influence it would look much like she just vanished and reappeared in her new spot. IT was at this moment that the new girl appeared, Red, hair green eyes and freckles, this would momentarily stun Aeries into standing still for a few seconds. "Damn you're adorabl..." and then the girl bolted throughher door and slammed it shut. Aeries would turn back to her punk friend Freya, "I take it back, that was rude!" she would giggle.