[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/nMxpFZO.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Zun - Zamindawar International Airport[/b] [i]Horizon Frontiers...[/i] Anna had heard that name before, and the reveal that Ivory was working for them was enough to make her raise an eyebrow. When someone brought up the words 'fighting tournament,' one didn't tend to associate them with science and technology, but with the sheer variety of what Nomads could put on display it made sense that people would want to study them. Her eyes briefly met those of the researcher. [i]Is she 'studying' me, then? Should I strike a pose?[/i] Something like that would be a bit over-the-top for her, though, so instead she simply smiled. "Well, maybe it's a good thing it was cancelled. I mean, think about it: for them to call it off so suddenly there's gotta be something pretty huge going on behind the scenes." She gestured around at the various Nomads, some of whom were already causing minor commotions. "And I doubt everyone who showed up is just going to quietly slink on home." Her expression wasn't kindly, nor full of false optimism. Rather, it was a smile of anticipation, of tightly controlled excitement. "Sure, we don't get to witness the yearly blowout, but whatever comes next could get [i]interesting[/i]. Having all these Nomads gathered in one country is like stacking a few thousand sticks of dynamite in a great big pile. And the WMAF just dropped a lit match right on top of that." She made a fist with one metal hand, then splayed her fingers, accompanying the motion with a whispered [i]'boom!'[/i] "Kinda makes a girl want to stick around and watch the fireworks, right?" [@wxps350]