[hider=I'M GOING TO PUT A SHOCK IN YOUR SYSTEM!] [CENTER][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][B]C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T P R O P O S A L[/B][/COLOR][h1][color=1E90FF][b]S T A T I C[/b][/color][/h1][hr] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/d5ce28f6e00214a934eb9c6c44fb646f/tumblr_mh9v9fMje31rzbpp3o1_640.jpg[/img][h3][sup][sub][color=LightBlue] V I R G I L O V I D H A W K I N S [color=1E90FF]♦[/color] C O L L E G E S T U D E N T [color=1E90FF]♦[/color] D A K O T A C I T Y [color=1E90FF]♦[/color] B A N G B A B Y V I G I L A N T E[/color] [/sub][/sup][/h3][img]IMAGE/BANNER[/img] [/CENTER][COLOR=1E90FF][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR] [CENTER][sup][color=ADD8E6]" Some people say that lightning goes through the path of least resistance. Always feels like I'm going through the path of most resistance. "[/color][/sup][/CENTER] [INDENT][INDENT][i] Virgil Jefferson Davis was born the son of Jefferson and Mary Davis in the south-eastern region of Dakota City, the former of which was secretly known as the upstart electric-slinging vigilante, Black Lightning. Unfortunately, the pressures of parenthood combined with the stress of being a crime fighting superhero didn't bode well for Jefferson's marriage as he struggled to balance the two sides of his life. With Dakota City being a veritable bee-hive of gangsters and syndicates fighting over them like scraps, Jefferson began to feel more and more like a sailor trying to bale out water from a sinking ship. With every arrest he made on each street, there would always be a shady deal made around the corner, a gang war a block away and a criminal network that was just too large for one vigilante to tackle. It reached a breaking point that culminated in papers being signed, tears that stained the ink signature on the contract and Virgil at the tender age of two wondering why his Dad, the brave Black Lightning, was walking out the front door. That was the day when Virgil learnt what the word 'divorce' meant. Mary Davis later remarried to Robert Hawkins, a local community worker, resulting in yours truly legally changing his name to Virgil Ovid Hawkins. During his time throughout public schooling, Virgil became the target of a merciless bullying campaign committed by a delinquent criminal gang known as the Breed led by their leader, Ivan Evans. When the teachers turned a blind eye and other students ignored his pleas out of fear of retaliation from the Breed, desperation and anger eventually led Virgil to revenge. Spending all of his savings over the years on a Beretta M92, Virgil began planning. Eavesdropping. Taking note of the fact that there was going to be a gang war between the Breed and numerous other gangs on the Paris Island Docks. The chaos would be a perfect opportunity to kill his life-long bully. On that night, while the gang war went down, Virgil confronted Ivan in a nearby shipping container, beaten and bruised from a tussle with a member of a rival gang. The once proud leader of the Breed became a teary-eyed teen, begging Virgil for mercy as Virgil pressed the barrel against the temple of his high school torturer. The years of suffering, of getting shoved in lockers, of having his homework stolen, of black eyes and bruises. Virgil relived those moments as Ivan knelt down before him, power at the pull of a finger. Eye for an eye. Karma. That's how it all worked out in the end. Right? So, when the time came to pull the trigger..... - Virgil couldn't. He tossed the gun out into the sea, gang war still boiling over behind him. That's when it began. The Dakota PD had assembled to put on a show of force, armed and fully loaded to the teeth during the absence of Black Lightning. Clouds of tear gas poured out onto the docks, covering the entire gang in a fog of mist and doom. Virgil was caught on the edge of the fog, waiting for the familiar burn but discovering that it wasn't tear gas. People began melting apart into goo right in front of him, some of them began to evaporate into a thin mist, others began expanding into muscled freaks. The police stormed into the scene in full NBC gear, flashlights zooming through the foggy green mist. All of a sudden, Virgil felt a strange sensation crawling up from his finger-tips, his veins and arteries glowing underneath his skin with an eerie blue, the world around him shifting into a kaleidoscopic - Then, the Bang. Virgil woke up later a few hours later in Dakota National Hospital. The large explosion at the Dock had caused whatever mutagens were in that tear gas to disperse and spread across an large area, across the entirety of Paris Island. The rest is history. Officials were investigated and locked up. The Dakota PD received cuts from the local government. A re-election occurred. A large 10 km^2 section of Dakota City centered around Paris Island was cordoned off and labelled the Dakota Exclusion Zone, heavily fortified and armed by security guards. Local Dakota City authorities and the national government dubbed the incident as 'The Big Bang'. Approximately two hundred people died during the Bang Disaster with hundreds more injured and ill from the after-effects of the Bang and Virgil's mother? Turns out that taking the job of a para-medic in one of the most crime-infested cities comes with a high fatality rate. Virgil's mother died during the night of the Big Bang, doing what she was most passionate about. Saving people. A few days later, something shocking began to happen. Light bulbs began to flicker around him, paper clips began to stick to his skin as if it was glue and the school suffered another power outage during yet another bullying incident. Virgil discovered that he had been changed by the Big Bang, developing the miraculous ability to generate and shape electromagnetic energy akin to a living battery. Virgil became the premier defender of Dakota City known as Static whilst in the midst of the Dakota Exclusion Zone, newly rising meta-humans hiding within its ruins begin to grow in numbers...... [/i][/indent][/indent] [COLOR=1E90FF][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT][i] I've been desperately trying to, for a better lack of a pun, brain-storm a version of Static ever since I saw Master Bruce's Ultimate Universe RP. This incarnation of Static is mostly related to the cartoon version whereby his motivations are trying to solve meta-human conflicts peacefully except for a few differences. For one, a big re-wiring of my version of Static is that in this universe, Black Lightning is indeed Virgil's estranged biological father. This is a story of Virgil rising up from under the shadow of Black Lightning's legacy since the local newspapers call him the prodigal son of Black Lightning which in reality, he is actually is. Virgil radically differs from his canon counterpart in this manner, and therefore, suffers from severe issues of parental abandonment which will be explored later in this story. Virgil's story and narrative will mainly relate to his first few months of his vigilante escapades. He's currently got a month of experience under his belt but is still relatively inexperienced with the development of his powers in a state of flux. The recent under-funding and budget cuts of Dakota City's police force has left him more over-burdened and over-worked than usual as the amount of crime continues to rise throughout the weeks. It's a game of balance as Virgil tries to juggle being Static, the Bang Baby hero, and Virgil Hawkins, ordinary college student. [/i][/indent][/indent] [COLOR=1E90FF][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT][i] [u][b]CAST LIST[/b] [/u] ♦ Jefferson Davis: Virgil's birth father who operates in the East Coast as the super-hero, Black Lightning. ♦ Robert Hawkins: Virgil's step-father and idol who acts as the head manager of a local community worker organisation within Dakota City. ♦ Sharon Hawkins: Virgil's step-sister. ♦ Richard Foley: Virgil's current college dorm room-mate and best friend. ♦ Harry Schumer: Virgil's favorite physics teacher who reminiscences openly about his days as a lock-picker. - Be expecting a lot of puns and references. [/i][/indent][/indent] [COLOR=1E90FF][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]S A M P L E P O S T:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT][i] The midnight of Friday's tangled with the promises of weekend morning delights as a gibbous moon rested its lazy eye on the quiet neighborhood of Dakota City. Date? April 13th, 2019. Time? 10:30 PM. For millions of Dakotan citizens, it was near the beginning of a new tomorrow. For the thousands of public school students? The clock ticked closer to living hell with every second. Right now, the number one stereotypical question growing throughout the school community right now was: How did you spent your mid-term break? The usual answer would be either be one of the following or a combination of: written assignments, university applications, back-breaking revision for exams, extra tuition lessons or the endangered vacation. So, what was his standard response to the all-time favorite conversation starter? Community service. Unfortunately, no credit this time. The air was knocked out of Virgil's lungs as his back slammed against the hood of an abandoned car, crumpling it. His hands batted away the stars in his eyes, only to widen as a trio of razor-sharp feathers sailed towards him at break-neck speeds. Webs of electromagnetic energy radiated out from his hand, flowing and melding into the oxidized metal parts of the sedan he was currently on. A twitch of his fingers and the roof of the car peeled forward towards him, shielding him from the deadly projectiles. He flung it away, the car hood bounding away like a tumble-weed, staring upwards at his opponent. He'd heard about a disturbance over on the national police radio whilst he'd been chillaxing in a Starbucks with a mocha latte. Reports about a rather large eagle terrorizing a local 7-11. Just from the brief description, he'd already knew who it was. He'd faced her several times over the course of the month. Talon, or rather as she was known in her hospital record, Teresa Bradley. This girl was straight up whack and looked like an 80s sci-fi movie plot gone wrong. Brown feathers drooping from every centimeter of skin on her body. Her arms had been extended to a hideous length with full lifelike wings hanging out from them. She was a living reminder of how some Bang Babies got lucky when the Big Bang happened and some didn't. " Stop -" Talon gritted out as her wings flapped a volley of feathers once more. " - DODGING and stay still, hero!" Ah crud. He rolled off the car to avoid yet another hail of feathers. One of the tires began to squeal, deflating slowly as the vehicle slumped to the right. It didn't take much for him to visualize what would have happened if one of those feathers hit him. He raised his hand out towards a nearby man-hole. It popped off its hatch, puppet strings of current and voltage guiding its slow bobbing movement towards him. Virgil jumped on top of it, electrical bolts falling from the bottom of the makeshift surfboard like raindrops. Twins bolt of electricity aimed towards his enemy flew out of his hands, crackling apart the atmosphere. The winged metahuman expertly maneuvered, just flying a hair breadth's away from being grounded. Virgil continued peppering his opponent with bolts of electricity, aiming on suppressing and keeping his distance away from her, whilst he struck up a conversation. " Haven't you heard that Electric Type moves are super-effective against flying type moves, Teresa? " A shifting lance of lightning from his finger disintegrated feathers into dust. Teresa bristled at the sound of her legal name, screaming out towards him with impatience. " My name's not Teresa! It's [b]TALON![/b]. Why have you been calling me by my human name for the last two weeks or so!?" "Well, you sort of still look human. Two bipedal legs, a nose, two eyes, square teeth. You speak HUMAN! - " Static's conversational tone suddenly leaped several pitches up a notch as a street-light pole that he swerved past by shattered apart with the most godawful noise that ever heard. His ears were still ringing as he blearily looked up at Teresa, mouth crooked in a sadistic grin. " Like what you hear? I've been picking up a few tricks. Not subtle but it works in a pinch." His eyes widened as she took a deep breath and screamed. Vibrating pulses emerged out of her larynx in a discordant tune as he channeled extra electrons to the bottom of his feet to push himself out of the way. A chase began to ensue with Virgil as the mouse and Teresa as a bird of prey. He couldn't turn back to blast her (Even then, her hollow bones meant that one shock could permanently cripple her.) and abandoned skyscrapers surrounded him on every side, hemming him in like a fish in a barrel. " Look, Teresa. I've got an really, really important O-Chem test coming next week! So -" Static's eyes shifted around, looking for a way out of the dire situation he'd gotten himself into. He couldn't fry her from here. He couldn't hit her from here. He needed to get to higher ground. He swerved towards a skyscraper to begin surfing up vertically only to see another car explode into shrapnel in front of him. That wasn't going to work. The beginnings of a plan begin to work itself in his brain as he summoned a metal garbage can lid towards him. " - as one super-powered mutated freak of nature to one another -" Set of power lines to the left. He dug his heels into his hover-manhole, grunting as he swerved to the left turn. " -could we please wrap this up?" There. A set of wooden power poles and pylons with intersecting black strings stretching across them. He leaped up from his man-hole, momentum from the velocity from his ascent and electrostatic attraction radiating from his boots causing him to land on the power lines like a slackline walker. He shifted forward and backwards before balancing himself, garbage can lid in hand as Virgil began to skid on top of the power-lines, moving from the pace of a car to that of a train. Building up more velocity with the juice that was flowing through the power lines. Towards Teresa. He leaped upwards at a speed of triple-digits, yellow googles shielding him from the blistering night wind. His stomach lurched and heaved, his gills growing green with nausea. As soon as he was level in altitude with Teresa, he threw the garbage pan lid towards her like a frisbee, sailing directly towards her head. She ducked. " Hah, you miss- " [i][h3]WHANG![/h3][/i] Only to receive a garbage pan from behind. Electrical sparkles radiated from Static's hand as he summoned it back towards him like a boomerang. The impact knocked her out cold, the wind thrown out of her wings as she began to fall towards the ground unconscious. Static managed to cling onto the black rubberized string like a life-line, static electricity flowing between the insulated metal and his finger tips. Teresa landed on top of the land-lines, tangling herself up on top of it while still dazed from Static's attack. " What about that. Guess it takes one stone to kill one bird! Or rather, a garbage lid. " Static then vomited out his dinner. He was never going to do that [i]one[/i] again. [/i][/indent][/indent] [/hider] Sorry to anyone who wanted to play Black Lightning.