[quote=@Elite Gamer] ________- To. Zion From. Goddess the one true goddess god. In this reality I don't punish LGBT, but if they start infesting the place to much bothering the heterosexual folks, I will turn 99% of them heterosexual again by force. I personally like LGBT. Why be a dude while you can be a hot lesbian very pretty fine to? ______ [/quote] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qL3TWooBGrI[/youtube] This is breaking rule 1.7 in the Guild rules I believe. UNLESS you mean like, people are pushing their sexual orientation on others, which then THEY would likely be violating rule 1.7 however, even if that were the case and you were simply warning against that, you should tread carefully. As long as you are not stating that people need to adhere their character's sexualities toward your own agenda, you can carry on.