[quote=@POOHEAD189] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qL3TWooBGrI[/youtube] This is breaking rule 1.7 in the Guild rules I believe. UNLESS you mean like, people are pushing their sexual orientation on others, which then THEY would likely be violating rule 1.7 however, even if that were the case and you were simply warning against that, you should tread carefully. As long as you are not stating that people need to adhere their character's sexualities toward your own agenda, you can carry on. [/quote] The goddess still follow what man and woman was originally supposed to do romantically. If the LGBT push their sexually on the heterosexual folks to much the Goddess can over ride the LGBTs free will for up setting the heterosexual folks. The goddess is very strict. Which means all characters must abide. I edited some text, didn't realize some stuff was kind of .....