[color=ec008c][u][b]Planets[/b][/u][/color] Planet maix- Planet earth- Planet zineth- Planet eraklyon- Planet melody- Planet zineth- Planet darkness- Plant lore- War planet- Prison planet- Graveyard planet- Dumpster planet- Planet harmony- Planet bell- Planet linphea- Planet solaria- [b]Planet dialog-[/b] this planet is a massive planet bigger than 80,000 piles of earth put together. This whole planet is crawling with samurais and ninjas all across the planet with the technology of the far distant future. The culture is mixed between ancient Japanese Chinese culture living, mixed with distant future tech everywhere. The lands are ruled by emperors in dynasties. [color=ec008c][u][b]Places[/b][/u][/color] [b][u][color=f49ac2]Legendary super rare items around the magical dimension.[/color][/u][/b] [u]The woman's mental conversion lipstick[/u]- Its power is only activated by females early teens and adults with a pure heart. It can only be cast on the woman's opposite gender the guys for, brainwashing, mind control, rebuild someone mentally from scratch. A guy under the power of this lipstick is always submissive and obedient to the female that cast it on him without failure as flawless. The guy never breaks free of the mind control despite how powerful or mentally strong he is, no one can rescue him from the power of the lipstick if the caster called the mistress don't release him of her own free will, by kissing him on the lips wearing the lipstick. If the mistress die or whatever no longer worthy, her mindless minion the guy will always seek out the next worthy mistress that the previous mistress is connected to without failure to lead guide him in life. The conversion Lipstick is able to, change memories, destroy memories, give false memories great and bad, take away give knowledge, into the dude from the female at the controls. The mindless minion is 100% loyal honor bound to his mistress for life plus is unable to have ulterior motives that go against his mistress's orders. The lipstick power is so omnipotent strong, the guy could be standing on the borderline to freedom from his owner, never cross the line because all they care about is their mistress will be done 24 hours a day 7 days a week, in every year nonstop in every century without failure. How many dudes broke free of the lipstick's mind control power over the eons? Out of 100%, the ratio is 0.00%. This lipstick is so legendary super rare way overpowered that the governments around the entire magical dimension for eons took these lipsticks away from the public when they first caught news of such a device. Nowadays the only women and men that have access to these lipsticks usually are only very few governments and noblemen around the universe. Most people think the conversion lipstick is an urban myth but it's not. The conversion lipstick is the ultimate revenge weapon females can use on the criminals and the most devilishly dangerous foes of the male gender, instead of killing criminals and evil or locking them away, making them become mindless slaves to their new mistress is the best ultimate punishment ever. Not to mention the conversion lipstick forces the mindless minion to love to adore being a mindless minion, wanting to be even more brainwashed mind controlled by their mistress more and more to infinite levels. The lipstick also forces the mindless minion to love uncontrollably telling their mistress their plan's that doesn't align right with the mistress ahead of time, before the minion uh the slave carry out his plans. The gender that made this conversion lipstick real was of the male gender that equipped the female gender with this alarming device against dudes. The creator of the woman's conversion lipstick is the late Ragon Winchester, a true gentleman. The conversion lipstick is so strong females have arrogantly stood before her mindless minion humiliating her minion for stupidity out in public so openly, not once did she lose control of her minion nor get scorned at by her minion. (You can tell when someone is a mindless minion by the lipstick, their eye pupils are seen glowing almost invisible ghost white purple, plus they always call their owner mistress, openly in public nonstop) [u]The men's mental conversion hand glove-[/u] The man's version of the women's mental conversion lipstick but work against the female gender instead. To activate the power dudes as early as a teen to adulthood must latch his gloved hand onto the female's skull where the brain area is at to turn her into a mindless minion, she will begin wanting her master which is always the dude that turned her. The conversion glove also follows the same traits the conversion lipstick has but against females. Villains become extremely cowardly to infinite levels when the conversion glove and lipstick are within their sight by some heroes, the villains become extremely cowardly drop everything trying to run away avoiding capture.(You can tell when someone is a mindless minion by the conversion glove, their eye pupils are seen glowing almost invisible ghost white purple, plus they always call their owner mistress, openly in public nonstop.)