[@Parallel Hearts] Here we are. Have a [s]lancer[/s] Archer [hider=Neith] [center][img]https://safebooru.org//images/2666/7051f99049d5fefae5a6b226e05fffb0dcfd9506.png[/img][/center] [b]Class:[/b] Archer [b]True Name:[/b] Neithhotep [b]Origin:[/b] [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neithhotep]Historical Fact[/url] [b]Height/Weight:[/b] 171cm/59kgs 5'6/130lbs [b]Appearance:[/b] A tall woman, with long black hair and distinct, clear blue eyes that would remind one of the Nile. With dark skin, a muscular build, Neithhotep would be physically imposing to most. She dresses in fine golds and white silks, indicating her status as a Pharaoh, sporting a red crown of jewels upon her head as an avatar of Neith. [b]Alignment:[/b] Lawful Neutral [b]Personality:[/b] Being the avatar of both a creator goddess, and a goddess of War and Hunting, Neith can somewhat severe in her behaviors. She appears and behaves as she did during the later half of her life, when she was raising both Djer and Hor-Aha into proper pharaohs. Neithhotep is a severe woman. Harsh words abound, especially so when berating those for doing something irredeemably idiotic, yet also has an incredibly motherly side to her when it comes to children and those she sees as family. Harsh on those she loves, yet will stalwartly protect and teach no matter what. She likes engaging in shows of physical prowess and strength, most notably hunting - even getting a bit carried away at times. If she has one thing that makes her angry, its when people disobey their mother dearest. Of course, she realizes she is not in fact, most peoples mother, but her natural maternal instinct is rather strong. She does however, consider herself a mother to all Egyptian heroic spirits that come after her. [b]Backstory:[/b] Not much is known about what is one of the earliest records of a female monarch in history. A Regent in the first dynasty of Egypt, who grew to power as a Pharaoh in her own right. First thought to be a male due to the unusual size of her tomb and royal decorations, she was supposedly the wife of Narmer, the first Pharaoh of Unified Egypt, and later Regent for her grandson. Reality isn't too far from the historical records. Consort to Narmer, Neithhotep quickly stood out among others due to her beauty, artistry with a loom, and her desire to hunt. Her early life consisted of sneaking out from her duties with the priestesses and religious folk in favor of hunting and the battlefield, which is where she met Narmer, future Pharaoh of a unified Egypt. Narmer took her as a consort for such reasons - believing her to be an incarnation of Neith. Something that would greatly aid the fledgling first dynasty. Neithhotep was both strong willed, confident, and had a natural talent for almost everything she did, it seemed, whether it be leading men hunting or attending to governmental affairs with Narmer. Whens he gave birth to her first son, Hor-Aha, she did nothing but want to protect him. Perhaps this over eagerness to rule, lead, and protect, was why things ended as they did. Neithhotep held no true desire to rule as a Pharaoh, at least to start with. No, she just wanted to protect her child like any mother would. Wanted the best for them, and as such she did everything in her power to assure Hor-Aha was raised in a manner befitting of a Pharaoh. After all, she had seen everything Narmer had done, all she had to do was raise Hor-Aha to be greater...but that would also mean putting him in danger. It is said Hor-Aha had a long, successful reign. Opened trade, craftsmanship flourished under his rule, and even mad expeditions outside of Egypt during that time. Unknown to most however, these all happened at Neithhoteps suggestion and action. Hor-Aha, was little more than a figurehead for his mother most of his life, and when he died leaving a child behind - her grandson, Djer, she was instated as Regent. As a natural course of events, of course. From there Neithhotep went on to become a Pharaoh in her own right, being fairly popular whilst simultaneously raising Djer as well, just as her own son. Yet, he was far less easily controlled by his mothers ill perceived motions to protect and rule. He made it known quite clearly, he would be Pharaoh one day, much to Neithhoteps chagrin. She ruled for a little over two years, efficiently running the country, until the day came when Djer was to take the throne. She refused, stating he was nothing but a child and he should let his mother handle it. She was forcibly removed from the throne of Pharaoh, and walked into the desert for a final hunt. [center][i][b]— Parameters —[/b][/i][/center] [b]STR:[/b] B+| [b]END:[/b] B| [b]AGI:[/b] A| [b]MAG:[/b] C| [b]LCK:[/b] C| [b]NP:[/b] A [center][i][b]— Class Skills —[/b][/i][/center] [u][i][b]Independent Action A[/b][/i][/u] Being a creator goddess, and an Pharaoh, you honestly think she'd take orders from anyone? A skill denoted by a high ability to act without a master's constant supply of magical energy. However, even so to unleash a magically draining Noble Phantasm, one would need backup from a master or other source. Allows a servant to maintain form without such a source, for a time. [u][i][b]Magic Resistance B[/b][/i][/u] An innate resistance to magic, which makes most spells completely ineffective against her. Even greater magics would have trouble actually affecting her, and most would find their effects diminished greatly. [center][i][b]— Personal Skills —[/b][/i][/center] [i][u][b]Divinity B[/b][/u][/i] The Avatar of the Creator and Goddess of the hunt, and mother of Ra, Apep, and Sobek. Neithhotep has been granted a high level of divinity because of it. Most notably, borrowing from her divine nature as the mother of crocodiles and Sobek. This allows her to summon Neith's offspring as Divine Beasts to do her desired tasks. The Crocodiles are hunting dog like familiars that assist her on the hunt. They may be slightly slow on land, but in any aquatic environment they gain various rank ups in stats that could make them a considerable threat to most servants. Doubly, this allows her access to her true armament as an archer - the Goddess' Neith's loom that she used to Weave the world into existence, and uses to weave a new world each dawn. She rarely uses it however, outside of the need to activate her true Noble Phantasm. The Loom can fire a number of large harpoon like arrows from its strings. [u][i][b]Guidance of the Unseen Sky B[/b][/i][/u] A blessing from Neith. Neithhotep was gifted with a form of Clairvoyance. A god that is the 'Opener of the Ways'. No matter what one is doing, it allows them to see the optimal path forward in order to accomplish whatever it is they set out to do and lead their followers to victory be it in hunting, battle, and leadership. A composite skill of Charisma and Clairvoyance. Less powerful than true Clairvoyance, and its ability shines during battle, allowing her to predict and plan an optimal path to victory regardless of the circumstances. [u][i][b]Battle Continuation C[/b][/i][/u] A skill that allows for a continuation of battle despite sustaining mortal wounds, and reduces the mortality rate of injury. learned in her early years as a huntress in Egypt, and strengthened by her divinity to manifest as a skill. [u][i][b]Motherly Affection C[/b][/i][/u] A skill brought about by Neith's own influence as a creator goddess, and Neithhotep's own motherly tendencies. A rather odd skill that boosts an allies mental resistances and interference, and can remove such interference from allies while bolstering their resolve. Just listen to mother and everything will be okay. 'Affection' can either be loving words or a sharp disciplining. Best not to anger mother dearest, yes? [i][b]— Armaments —[/b][/i] Neithhotep's main armament is a highly decorated hunting Harpoon that doubles as a holy scepter, decked in gold and decorative inlays befitting of any Pharaoh. Despite looking like a melee weapon, they are in fact the 'arrows' for her Loom and are as sturdy as any Noble Phantasm. She doesn't really care, and she often uses it in close quarters as a spear, not really caring so much for overly ranged combat. Can lead to people mistaking her class for a Lancer of some sort. The Nile Crocodiles that serve as her familiars. [center][i][b]— Noble Phantasms —[/b][/i][/center] [b]True Name:[/b] Cosmic Loom, [i][u]"The Loom which weaves the world"[/u][/i] [b]Type:[/b] Anti-World [b]Rank:[/b] A [b]Range:[/b] 1~30 [b]Maximum number of targets:[/b] 50 Neith's own Loom that she used to weave the world into existence, and that she uses daily to reweave the world and remake its future. The Noble Phantasm itself exists as both something that destroys what once was, and simultaneously heals it for a new dawn. It is, however considerably less powerful in Neithhoteps' hands. Loading up the Loom, it fires a highly compressed jet of water towards the targets, (oddly enough, in the shape of a cow) ripping through whatever stands in its way in a matter of seconds. Doubly so, it completely drenches the area in Neith's divine waters completely remaking the field into her favor. This water has special properties, most notably, it reinvigorates those that are soaked in its divine power. [/hider]