[@TheHangedMan] [@Ryteb Pymeroce] [@QueenNugget] [@Canidae] There were many, many good seats at this table. It was a great table. Fantastic, even. But then Xinhua, or Nulong, as she'd asked for, had to sit next to Liors. It wouldn't have been a problem, except then she'd told Liors to sit back down, and she couldn't just say no because that's rude and Liors wasn't [i]rude[/i], even if she really didn't want to be there and she really didn't want to talk to people. But she didn't complain, and she got back into her seat. It was the only way she did things. [color=8882be]"I, uh, I'm Liors Myrisal. It's nice to um. Meet all of you,"[/color] Liors said, sinking into her chair. Her fingers drummed on her legs under the table, itching to leave, but it didn't seem she would be allowed to anytime soon. She should've skipping unpacking. Actually, if she hadn't had the nap, she could've made it out. The breakfast Zane had made was very good, but now there were too many people in the room (she drew the line at two) and she needed to practice (she didn't, but that was her plan for the rest of the day). Her eyes flickered back to the door of her room. Maybe she should've waited for everyone else to leave before she did. It was too late to go back now. She stopped tapping, instead tracing shapes frantically on the surface of her tights. She shouldn't be here for too long. Introduce yourself, chat, leave. She could get through it. She could get through it. Honestly, she probably couldn't.