[color=f26522][h2]Cassandra[/h2][/color] Tired, but excited, Cassandra trudged into class. She had been up too long the night before, her energy drink making it hard to sleep until early afternoon. It might be fitting, though, that she started her first day right after seeing the sunrise, possibly for the last time. No, that was dramatic. She would get to be out in the sun less often now, but it wasn't really all that bad. [color=bc8dbf]“Okay, Cassandra right?”[/color] One of the TA's approached, to direct Cassandra to her table and class partner. [color=bc8dbf]“I like your name. I’m a little jealous. Everyone pronounces mine wrong and yours flows so nicely. I think you’re going to be a natural. You’re at table six with Lilie Dionne. Good luck; you’re gonna do great!” [/color] When she got to her table, it looked like Lilie was already getting started. Cassandra watched as she approached, seeing Lilie apparently blow the stone out, just like Allison had warned could happen. [color=f26522]"You okay?"[/color] she asked as she sat down. [@Hero]