[Color=green]"Ah, the infamous Storm Dragon, currently the only student undefeated in the dueling ring. Also in the top five most terrifying studants, currently only being beaten out by the White Death."[/color] Zane stated, swinging his levitation wand to cook some more food, [color=green]"I believe I was number four on that list... unless Flame-brain has managed to get themselves killed during vacation. Zane Wulfe, the Insane Inventor, maker and seller of enchanted items."[/color] The invisible girl, Liors, seemed quite uncomfortable. Did she need the bathroom... no, there wasn't the shaking associated with that. It was a little known fact that his ability boost wasn't just physical, but also mental and spiritual. Using a boost on his processing speed, he quickly ran through the symptoms and what he had read in his limited delve into psychology. According to them he was apparently insane, so screw those guys. She appeared to be suffering from anxiety, with a bit of possible anthrophobia (That's fear of people for you laymen). Taking pity on her, he 'accidentally' hit Nulong in the face with a fried egg. He gestured for the girl to take this opportunity to escape to her safe place.