For the SW Persistent Galaxy RP, Bryethe Farlance. [hider=Bryethe Farlance] [hider=OoC] [b] 🔷As a player, what is your preferred writing level? [/b] 🔸Several paragraphs 🔸Long stories with heavy collaboration [b] 🔷Is grammar and depth of writing important to you? [/b] 🔸Extremely. I always look forward to reading about how other characters feel in the moment, and what they're thinking. Depth of writing is something I love, and something I'm working on myself. [b] 🔷Are there any writing subjects you particularly enjoy exploring? [/b] 🔸Siblings bonds are my favorite, but in the case of the Star Wars PG, I love to explore the bonds between other characters. Writing about those bonds is one of my favorite things to do. [b] 🔷Is there anything you [i]really[/i] dislike and want to avoid like the plague? [/b] 🔸Romance. Something I've never enjoyed, nor tried at all. Willing to, but only if it's natural between characters. [b] 🔷Is there something you are uncomfortable with happening to your character? [/b] 🔸Romance... Just not feelin' it unless it's natural, even then it'll take some time for me to get used to. [b] 🔷Do you have any short-term or long-term goals with this character? [/b] 🔸Short Term: Explore the bond between Brye's second master, Satele, see how their bond was formed and how they can grow to learn from each other. || Create new character friendships/rivalries. || Help myself get comfortable writing in a Star Wars RP. I love Star Wars, but I've never had the awesome opportunity to join in a Star Wars RP! 🔸Long Term: Become a Jedi Knight, perhaps even take on a Padawan? This goes with the curiosity of writing a Padawan who will soon start to focus on going through the Jedi Trials. || Create long-lasting and strong character relationships. || Use Brye to help myself become more comfortable with writing combat scenes. I'm excited to write them but a little nervous I won't be able to get my thoughts across properly. || Challenge myself, writing wise, and grow to become super comfortable with my character and be proud of my writing. 💟 [/hider] [hider=Jedi Temple Public Records] [b] 🔷Name: [/b] Bryethe Farlance [b] 🔷Species: [/b] Human [b] 🔷Age: [/b] 18 [b] 🔷Gender: [/b] Female [b] 🔷Rank: [/b] Padawan Learner [b] 🔷Master: [/b] Jedi Grandmaster Satele Shan [b] 🔷Former master(s): [/b] Jedi Knight Rularrn Lonn [b] 🔷Known Skills: [/b] [hider=Known Lighstaber Forms] Form III: Soresu || Advanced Form V: Shien || Intermediate. [/hider] 🔸Is quick and light on her feet, allowing for proper use of both Soresu and Shien. 🔸Is cautious when making decisions, allowing her to think through her actions and their consequences before committing. 🔸Listens well to her Master. Takes constructive criticism well, seems to learn well from her mistakes and misfortunes. [b] 🔷Trained Force Techniques: [/b] 🔸Basic Jedi Techniques || Has grown to focus on the Force, utilizing it, more than others, during combat and movement about her environment. 🔸🔹Strengths lie in Telekinesis, Force Throw, Force Sight, Force Sense, and Force Jump. 🔸Basic Tutaminis || Wants to work towards become more skillful with this. 🔸Droid Disable || When spare time allows, and when not training for meditating, Brye enjoys to tinker to a certain extent. She finds droids fascinating at certain times and wishes to learn as much as she can in her free time. 🔸🔹((OOC: I wanted to include an interest for my character that I myself might not usually go for. I feel like this is one such opportunity!)) [b] 🔷Known associates:[/b] 🔸Neith Arundhati || Best friend, thought dead by Brye. 🔸Jedi Knight Rularrn Lonn || Former Master, was killed while they were both on an assignment together. [b] 🔷Favored Equipment and clothes: [/b] 🔸Utility belt: Holds her lightsaber, food capsules, holomap/holoprojector, grappling spike launcher, Jedi beacon transceiver, and a Jedi breathing mask. 🔸On the gauntlet on her left wrist, she wears a comlink, which allows her to communicate even during a battle, as she wields her lightsaber in her left hand, leaving her right to utilize the comlink's few controls. 🔸She wears lightly padded, white-colored armor over her chest, shoulders, lower arm and upper thigh. 🔸Wears A dark brown under-tunic that covers her waist to her shoulders. 🔸Wears a dark brown over-tunic, and a reddish-brown Atabard with a straight-cut bottom. [hider=Clothing Reference Picture] [img][/img] [/hider] [b] 🔷Personality type: [/b] 🔸Quiet, Reserved, and Cautious. 🔸🔹Brye tends to remain in the shadows, listening to others and taking in information. She is cautious when making decisions, which is one of her weaknesses. Is very loyal and willing to help her Master when ever possible. Despite being rather reserved and quiet, Brye is not one to be taken advantage of. She has strong bonds with those she holds close to her. Would prefer to go out fighting, does not easily fold to mind-tricks and manipulative talk. 🔸 Mischievious, and loves to tinker. 🔸🔹 Before becoming a Padawan, it took Brye a long time to grow out of her mischievious mindset. She and an old friend would constantly get into trouble while training at their Temple; starting silly rumors, such as the one where they convinced other Younglings that Dark Force spirits lived in dirty socks, and often re-wiring droids to fetch snacks and talk backwards. 🔸🔹Brye loves to figure out how droids work, often taking apart droids who need servicing and putting them back together, even though they just need [i]servicing[/i]. When time allows, Brye can be found in her quarters, researching droid schematics and looking up the most recent updates to droids used both by the Republic, and in battle. [b] 🔷Known flaws: [/b] 🔸[color=0072bc]**[/color]Was unable to control her emotions when she was a Youngling. (see [color=0072bc]Major Failures on Record[/color] for correlation.) 🔸🔹Due to this, Brye had constantly been on watch for issues with her emotions. The incident with her former Master was looked as acceptable behavior for her emotions, but had issues when she was younger. She made a close friend and needed help coming out of her grief when she had thought that friend died. She has been doing better with control in the near two years that she's been under Satele's eye. 🔸Bryethe is very cautious, and sometimes lacks confidence in herself. Sometimes her fiery spirit balances this flaw out. Although it sometimes causes issues on assignments where her lack of confidence in herself stalls the mission, puts more danger on to Brye or others than necessary, or makes Brye doubt herself when full concentration is needed. [/hider] [hider=Jedi Temple Internal Records] [h3][sub]🔷Detailed appearance. Imagery insufficient.[/sub][/h3] [hider=Bryethe Farlance] [img][/img] [/hider] [h3][sub]🔷Report on natural ability with the Force, as well as all known Force Techniques and the skill level.[/sub][/h3] 🔸 [h3][sub]🔷Report on skills not directly rooted in the Force, including level of skill[/sub][/h3] 🔸 [h3][sub]🔷Report on known combat experience, training and lightsaber training.[/sub][/h3] 🔸 [h3][sub]🔷Detailed notes on political influence and associates. [/sub][/h3] 🔸 [h3][sub]🔷Detailed notes on known rivals and enemies, outside and within the Order and Republic.[/sub][/h3] 🔸 [h3][sub]🔷List and description of other known associates, including intimates.[/sub][/h3] 🔸 [h3][sub]🔷List of all known ownerships, including vessels, (non-standard) equipment, and locations.[/sub][/h3] 🔸 [h3][sub]🔷Psychological evaluation of Jedi Order member.[/sub][/h3] 🔸 [h3][sub]🔷List and description of known and suspected flaws. To be put into restricted database.[/sub][/h3] 🔸 [h3][sub]🔷All known interests of the force-user.[/sub][/h3] 🔸 [h3][sub]🔷Notes on skillset specialization, if applicable.[/sub][/h3] 🔸 [h3][sub]🔷Major achievements on record.[/sub][/h3] 🔸Successfully constructed her first lightsaber. 🔸Completed Initiate Trials. 🔸Survived the incident that took her former Master's life. [h3][sub]🔷Major failures on record. Confidential.[/sub][/h3] 🔸Beaten in a Padawan lightsaber tournament in the early rounds. 🔸[color=0072bc]**[/color]Developed strong emotional attachment to a fellow Initiate. Needed guidance to get over said attachment. [hider=Interview] [h3][sub]🔷Personal biography, as detailed by the candidate for use in Jedi archives. Acquired shortly after last achievement of note.[/sub][/h3][/hider] [/hider][/hider]