[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190227/a3d25ae0e2f8ee9fbd805de1a7248d1c.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/YfKCeq2.png[/img][/center] [right][hr][sub][color=gray][color=white][b]Lubitsch Residence || Palm Beach, Florida[/b][/color] October 7th, 2018[/color][/sub][hr][/right] [indent][color=FFB6C1]“You need to hold—stop, oh my god, you aren’t—hold your lane—don’t do it! Don’t. And you’re dead. Great. I would have the worst team [i]and[/i] the worst luck today.”[/color] Mara groaned, her fingers sliding across her keyboard as she tried to navigate the best attempt to salvage her situation. That solution being the video game she had been playing since she got home from Homecoming. As far as she was concerned, she wasn’t tired and hadn’t made a mistake since she had entered the game’s player lobby, though she did admit she was getting a little peckish. As she finished off the energy drink that had been sitting on her desk for the last half hour, she took a breath of relief as she looked over her K/D ratio and other stats following the loss caused by her overzealous teammate. At the very least, she couldn’t be upset at herself for failing. As she went to re-queue, a discernable alert from her phone drew her attention before she could decide if she wanted to try another game or not. As she read the message she sighed. She had expected to stay indoors all day, not caring about her appearance and caring even less about her mother’s whining, but apparently it was today that she would be forced to have a social life. Fortunately enough, her disdain wasn’t all that extreme. After a night like Homecoming she couldn’t blame Vic for wanting to mentally wash herself of any leftover angst. Plus, food did sound real nice. [color=FFB6C1]“Noted.”[/color] She sent a quick reply before closing the game out and heading for her bathroom for a long overdue shower. [/indent]