[h3]Alexander[/h3] Jumping? Alexander's eyes lit up at the word. Jumping was good. Not as good as flying of course, but you still had the rush of air and the sensation of leaving the ground. And if they were jumping from a tower it would be a long fall, which was even better. He got excited- up until Fade warned that this was where things went to die and to be careful. Death was a good way to sober anybody of most things, exuberance included. Almost as if to signal his point, a forceful gust of wind came howling at them. It slammed into him as though it were a physical wall, and his torso started to tip over backwards. Instinct took over his motor control however, and muscle memory was right on its heels. With motions practiced enough to be like breathing he lifted his left leg just high enough off the ground to take a single, forceful backstep that ground his shoe into the dirt, while at the same time he twisted his right foot to dig in. His legs bent, his center lowered, and he turned his torso sideways while raising his arms to cover his face. But even with his well rehearsed movements he found himself nearly losing the fight. It was almost like the wind was blowing [i]harder[/i] in response to his resistance. And then it was gone, just as quickly as it came. "What in the name of the sky was THAT?" he asked as he looked around, one of his hands drifting to palm the hilt of his knife.