[quote=@DocRock] Yeah, thanks for the feedback. Agreed on Armstrong, as he was alive when Extra came out. If I do any of the OCs, no promises they'll be perfectly fine from the getgo, since I've gotta figure out skills for some. Churchill is fun, he'll probably get a tank if I made him Rider(Due to his connections to the first usage of a tank in warfare). Alan Turing is fun because he's the "actual" father of computers, given Babbage died before he could complete the first modern computer, whereas Alan actually succeeded. Learning more about him in a spyfare class gave me more respect for the man than the recent film already did. tl;dr: Thanks for feedback, I'll get back to you when I can with a profile. Might just do Armstrong since I can ask my dad for help, as he's ex-NASA(retired recently). [/quote] You're welcome. [quote=@Reflection] [@Parallel Hearts] Sure, I can add a luck check when I get home. Probably gonna aim for C or higher to defend against the weakpoint kill. Or just roll a dice if you prefer. [/quote] Thanks. That's really just to make it more like other similar that can be avoided sometimes by those who have a great power to defy fate. In the same way as say... Gae Bolg works. As soon as you've done so, you can add him to the characters tab. [@Breo] Well, most of Theseus is ok, but there a few points that need to be addressed. - Reducing Magic Resistance from B to C, since I don't think there's anyway to justify he having a stronger rank in this than Achilles. In fact, most of the points I'm working on are in comparison to Achilles' stats, since he's also a top-notch Greek Rider who can be used a fair benchmark to Theseus. - I don't think that Pankration needs to be considered a skill, since all of the oldest Greek heroes are good at a level or other of it. The two best examples being Achilles and Chiron don't have it specifically noted on their sheets. However, since skills such as Li-Shuen's Chinese Martial Arts and many other similar ones exist, I think you can keep if you want to specify. This is just a consideration, you can chose whatever you do with it. - However, when it comes to Self-Modification, I'd say that you either have that skill sealed, or make Theseus into something weird enough to warrant it. Even with a concept such as the one you brought up behind it, this skill is really something that makes anyone who owns it "weird". The rest of him seems ok.