[hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170609/6993f16961e0f0769efda621e785818a.png[/img][hr][hr][b][color=998849]October 31st, 1943 - Night Falls Unexpectedly[/color][/b][hr][hr][/center] There was a long silence as Ben sat there, rocking back in the chair slightly as his rested crossed against his chest. A trail of smoke curled up from the ember at the end of his cigarette. He didn't look at Sophia when she asked and he didn't speak to answer her but he nodded in confirmation to her suspicion. He only moved life from one thing to another. He didn't create life. If only it were that simple. Ruthie leaned back slowly, slouching in her seat as she heard that Ben had had to hurt others to save her. She looked around slightly disturbed by the information and looked around nervously before she asked a question now burning in her mind. "Who... who did you... for me?" she asked. Ben took a long drag from his cigarette and huffed out the smoke roughly. "Lodz." It was a simple single name but Ruthie looked floored as she gasped and her hand covered her mouth. She had a look of disbelief on her face. "You got bit because of him! I..." he stopped as Ruthie got up and stormed out. Ben didn't move from his seat. He had known Ruthie for years now and she was one of the few people he was close with at the Carnivale. He knew better than to try to talk to her right now. He instead turned his attention back to the conversation and looked over towards James and then Andromeda. Both seemed to have the same question. "Yeah, is runs in the family. At least my line it does, others can't have kids. Isn't that right?" he said looking over towards Gio and then Gilbert. Libby got to the water and waved at the three women who were finishing up and starting to fold the clothing, putting it back in the hampers they had carried out there. They just looked over to her and went back to their work. "Strange one them girls," she said as she put her cigarette out on a rock and slipped her shoes off. "Naw I don't mind. Nice talking to someone knew. Gaw, gets so dull talkin' to them same ones day in and say out, 'specially when they [i][b]won't talk back!"[/b][/i] her voice climbing to a shout at the end as she looked over at the girls. "Well I guess we did I mean we traveling all the time so been ever'where over da years. But ain't ever been this far east. So yeah, guess we did," she said as she pulled off her dress. She was still in her bra and lace shorts. Stepping over to the water she put her feet in and tested the temperature. "Hell if I know. Management says go here we go there. Ain't ever knowing the reason why, we ain't been on a real circuit for years. Not since we picked Ben up," she told them before she dove into the water. Coming up she giggled slightly as she pushed her hair out of her face. The gate to the property swung shut with a loud clang that echoed through the property, it locking into place. Libby didn't seem to pay attention to it but Ben did as his head snapped towards the direction of the gate they had been let in through. The day seemed to push forward and the sun sank rapidly until it was dusk and the light dimmed greatly over the grounds. "Seems she's ready to talk," Ben said before downing the rest of his drink. Placing his cigarette between his lips and standing up. Pushing his chair back under the table he picked up his cup and set it in the sink before walking leisurely down the steps of the kitchen house and heading back towards the Carnivale set up.