[img]https://i.imgur.com/F0Vow0f.png[/img] Zion, sighed. "I wasn't trying to be a freak Tecna, it's just that most zenith women are on bad grounds with men. It's not my fault most of zineth is MGTOW vs self serving prideful crazy feminist. Then the technology oh the cell phones, on a date getting a woman off her cell phone is the hardest thing to do another failed relationship". Zion said. Tecna sighed yet again then left. Musa, she blinked. "I saw your student profile in the Alfea data base I was surprised when I saw a guy then a girl under the same profile as you. Are you dinning with us Alfea girls or the Red Fountain guys at the welcoming party today, girl or guy?" Musa asked. Zion, he looked confused but his body rather join Alfea at the dinning hall as that girl transformation. I't a problem acting as two individuals in life, for some strange reason I rather choose Alfea." Zion, responded. Musa, will remember that like results to something classified right now. "Okay girl see you there. Just make sure you don't come as Zion, or your in trouble behind our walls. As for the bathrooms? If you transform back into Zion especially in their, your in trouble. What is her name by the way?" Musa, asked. Zion, looked confused. "I never bothered to name her. I saw a vacaloid song once which I kind of used the cute girl plus hair design for her as inspiration, I like the name IA for her (I-uh)". Zion, he said. Zion frowned. Musa, looked worried. "What's wrong?" Musa, asked. "My deep psychology favors IA allot more than myself Zion. I always felt extreme hatred how dudes are expected to be basically Superman holding the world on his shoulders, being the tires of the truck as the woman get to drive ride instead symbolically, a shitty deal. Who signed me up for that crap the short end of the stick? God? For that along I pridefully keep my vehicle broken down symbolically with extreme prejudice. I'm not letting the world sit on me holding itself up causing me hardships back pain. As for working the plantation? The world can fuck itself for all I care. As for,beauty, harmony, and spiritual? Now for that Im your guy and girl". Zion, said. Suddenly Musa, she placed her right finger on Zion's chess armor in a feminine position. "That white knight armor is the very antagonist of your belief system, it love holding the world up being it's strength. Why wear it?" Musa responded. Zion, blinked. "It's the dude genetics wanting to smile in knight armor. As long as Im wearing this white knight armor I feel like a Super man, on a great white Pegasus in the sky shouting, "I shall not falter", looking good trying to impress the ladies as it excite me". Zion, responded with a smile. Musa, she smiled. "Do you feel that way outside the armor?" Musa asked. "Females are fine yes but doing jumps trying to impress her more than barely, not happening." Zion, responded. "You signed her up to be a fairy why?". Musa asked. "Females are interesting and beautiful and other stuff I can't think of right now. I shouldn't say more." Zion responded, then having the expression of gay bisexual dude phobia written across his face. [b]Where:[/b] On planet magix, standing outside at Alfea School for fairies. [b]With:[/b] Musa and Tecna