[hider=Meadow][color=8493ca][center][h1][img]https://i.imgur.com/kxYSJOS.png[/img][/h1][hr] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Lx0Dy83.jpg?1[/img] [hr] [color=00aeef][h3][b]⫸ B A S I C I N F O R M A T I O N ⫷[/b][/h3][/color] [i]"The name's Meadow. I am a private dick."[/i][/center] [indent] [color=00aeef]▼ [b]| BIRTH NAME : | [/b][/color] [indent]Meadow[/indent] [color=00aeef]▼ [b]| ALSO KNOWN AS: |[/b][/color] [indent]Clockwork; Meadow[/indent] [color=00aeef]▼ [b]| GENDER : | [/b][/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [color=00aeef]▼ [b]| AGE : |[/b] [/color] [indent]26[/indent] [/indent] [center][color=00aeef][h3][b]⫸ A P P E A R A N C E ⫷[/b][/h3][/color] [i]"Might as well, I can't dance."[/i][/center] [indent] [color=00aeef]▼ [b]| P H Y S I C AL S T A T S : |[/b] [/color] [indent][indent] [color=00aeef][b]▸ HEIGHT : |[/b][/color] 5'6ft [color=00aeef][b]▸ WEIGHT : |[/b][/color] 92 lbs [color=00aeef][b]▸ ETHNICITY : |[/b][/color] Romani & American [color=00aeef][b]▸ HAIR COLOR : |[/b][/color] Red [color=00aeef][b]▸ EYE COLOR : |[/b][/color] Blue [/indent][/indent] [color=00aeef]▼ [b]| PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION : |[/b] [/color] [indent]Modest is her figure, Meadow would be a woman one could easily mistake her for a man if not for her very beautiful face. She is rail thin and lithe, her body displays signs of little muscles and no fat. In fact she strikes one as a person who has little amount of exercise — even if she eats a lot, her high metabolism keeps her thin; and her weight translates to her shapeless figure: Meadow does not have much of a butt and less of breasts, as they stopped in time on the AA cup mark. Meadow skin is pale and her sharp face is dotted by freckles around the nose and cheeks. Speaking of nose, Meadow has an aquiline nose with a piercing. Her kissed-by-fire hair reaches below her breasts and she has blue eyes. She also has yellow teeth from smoking, and for good or worse Meadow has a small gap between her front teeth.[/indent] [color=00aeef]▼ [b]| ATTIRE : |[/b][/color] [indent]Meadow is quite vain about what he wears. She has a tendency of trying to combine styles and in a way, always striving to stay [i]in vogue[/i]. She mostly dresses in business formal/classic detective raincoat when doing her detective works but otherwise she dresses casually. She also makes sure to always be with subtle makeup - enough to highlight her features. She also wears an analog wristwatch that never seems to show the correct time.[/indent] [/indent] [center][color=00aeef][h3][b]⫸ P S Y C H O L O G Y ⫷[/b][/h3][/color] [i]"A paranoid is someone who knows a little of what's going on."[/i][/center] [indent] [color=00aeef][b]▼ | PERSONALITY TRAITS : | [/b][/color] [indent][center][color=00aeef]☙[/color] Focused [color=00aeef]♦[/color] Cunning [color=00aeef]♦[/color] Strong-willed [color=00aeef]♦[/color] Arrogant [color=00aeef]♦[/color] Self-centered [color=00aeef]♦[/color] Self-control [color=00aeef]♦[/color] Paranoid [color=00aeef]♦[/color] Cynical [color=00aeef]♦[/color] Restraint [color=00aeef]♦[/color] Stubborn [color=00aeef]♦[/color] Egotistical megalomaniac [color=00aeef]❧[/color][/center] [/indent] [color=00aeef][b]▼ | SKILLS : | [/b][/color] [indent][color=00aeef]Bilingual ⫻[/color] Meadow learned how to speak Russian from her mother. [color=00aeef]Handgun training ⫻[/color] Meadow underwent basic handgun handling and shooting in a Firearms Training Academy back in Dover. Her current handgun of choice is a Sig Sauer P226. [color=00aeef]Private Investigator ⫻[/color] Stealth, lockpicking and some bit of hacking. In order to be nosy in places she hasn’t been invited, Meadow had a lot of training/took lessons before becoming a private investigator. She also has her private investigator license to work in Florida. [/indent] [color=00aeef][b]▼ | BACK STORY : | [/b][/color] [indent]Meadow is the younger daughter born in Dover, Delaware, to a family of second-generation Eastern European immigrants. Meadow’s mother, Larysa Pasternak, was a Romani seer greatly known for her accurate sporadic predictions (a feat accomplished by her own metahuman powers) while her father was a non-metahuman accountant working for small firms. Living in a lower-middle-class family, Meadow — much like her sister — studied in public schools and, like in any family with more than one children, any clothing that was too old or tight to her sister was handed down to her. Her teenage years would prove to be not so friendly. Apart from the baggy and worn clothes, she had her puberty delayed (partly thanks to nutrition-related problems) which contributed to a tomboyish look; which made her to never develop a female body like that of her sister. But was during her final year in high school that her life completely changed. One day, just as she returned from class, she was approached by her mother with an address — a vision she saw. Like good daughter she was, she got a Uber and travelled to the local. There Meadow found a dead body, all mangled by what could only be described as something huge and with claws. Meadow panicked and wanted to puke, but by that moment her abilities triggered and she entered a trance-like state. Suddenly, Meadow was transported to the moment of death. All happening in front of her as if she were there and, at the same time, she wasn’t. She eventually pieced the scene together: a woman trying to calm down a beast, which apparently was her boyfriend, and the beast out of control trying to kill her. The moment stretched out and ended when the beast, now in its human form, escaping through an alley. Meadow then called the police and explained what she saw. They took her ability with suspicious but the later investigation came to a premature end with the boyfriend’s suicide. And despite the “conclusive” ending, the Chief of Police was not satisfied and decided to ask for Meadow’s cooperation. She used her power in the morgue but after a few seconds, nothing happened. After an awkward silence, she suggested if she could see his room. She was right about that. Meadow tried to use her powers a second-time, and she let her mind slip until she saw his death. For her surprise the Chief of Police was right. Meadow told everything to the Chief: she saw another man, who was mind-controlling him to take his own life. Enough investigations let the police to arrest the suspect a few days later and, and with strong evidence and her testimony, the jealous man was brought to justice and convicted. Thanks to her effort in helping the police, Meadow ended in the news spotlight as the altruistic young woman who helped to solve a horrendous crime using her powers. This booster her future career as a private detective — something she had never dreamed of. Meadow started working with the Dover Criminal Investigation Police, something that was greatly encouraged by the Dover’s Chief of Police, and underwent firearm training. Years later, with enough experience as P.I and only 26 years old, Meadow reiceved a call about a missing person in Charity Beach, Florida. She saw the idea as a chance to start her agency there, after all, the payment wasn't that bad.[/indent] [/indent] [center][color=00aeef][h3][b]⫸ P O W E R I N F O R M A T I O N ⫷[/b][/h3][/color] [i]"My job involves looking at things that people usually can't see."[/i][/center] [indent] [color=00aeef][b]▼ | POWER CLASSIFICATION : | [/b][/color] [indent]Type-Blue — Postcognition of the death and events, “Memento Mortem” [/indent] [color=00aeef][b]▼ | POWER DESCRIPTION : | [/b][/color] [indent]Meadow’s ability (named by her Memento Mortem) branch in two uses. First, she can see the moment of death of a person or an animal; and last, she can mentally travel back in time and look at a specific moment. Whenever she uses her powers, Meadow enters a trance-like state and her eyes became completely white. In this state, the world perceived by her is in [URL=https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steam/apps/426310/ss_24c2c1a2149b78b600b04b635a2117ead47579b4.1920x1080.jpg]shades of blue[/URL], and she is mentally transported to the exact hour that the event transpired. Within the event Meadow can move freely in our world while her vision is simultaneously a blur of now and the past. [/indent] [color=00aeef][b]▼ | LIMITS : | [/b][/color] [indent]The process of “going back in time” will always be instantaneous if Meadow can see a corpse or some remains of the deceased. if not, she has to enter a longer trance — as her mind takes time retrogressing to the specific moment she wants. The further the event is from now, the longer will take her mind to sync. Is worth mentioning that she cannot interact with her vision — as they are only memories. She is also limited to only the area the action happened. The rest of the world seems like a pitch black impassable void. This area usually is the size of a room, depending on what exactly she is looking for. [/indent] [color=00aeef][b]▼ | WEAKNESSES : | [/b][/color] [indent]When Meadow is in her trance, our world becomes a blur and she becomes something analogue to a sleepwalker. Although she won’t hit walls or walk into the fire, in theory, she is more vulnerable as her attention shifts to another moment. To sync to the past requires time, the older the event she is looking for, the more time and energy consuming (both mentaly and physical) it will be. [/indent] [/indent] [center][color=00aeef][h3][b]⫸ O T H E R ⫷[/b][/h3][/color] [i]"My favourite part of that book is when he says: ‘Kid, I am a gumshoe. A hawkshaw. A sleuth. A snoop. I am The Eye That Never Sleeps. And I am watching you.’ I wonder if I can use this."[/i][/center] [indent]The nickname Clockwork was given because whenever she uses her ability, her wristwatch curiously “goes back in time” until the exact time her mind syncs. This was considered a small extension of her power. Meadow loves distillates and she has been smoking since her 16th anniversary. She also has a quirk of longer monologues to herself.[/indent][/color][/hider]