[color=662d91][i]Florence[/i][/color] When Sydney entered the room, Florence held her breath for a second. What would her little sister say? Would she be angry? This, of course, didn't apply to Sydney's behavior. Sydney's frown on her face lasted for merely a second, before she replaced it with a wide, genuine smile and praised her work. Sydney, unlike everybody else, understood her. She didn't even question her motives, she simply [i]knew[/i] why Florence had to do what she had to do. Her opinion alone mattered. "I am glad you're liking it. I wouldn't say that it is completely finished, but even I am pleased with the result so far. Having painted this entire house has done wonders to my handicraft skills, but they are nowhere near as great as your talents, trust me," she laughed. Realizing that her sister looked somehow worried, Florence placed down her paintbrush and thrust the pain bucket aside. "Syd, you know you can...", before she had the chance to finish her sentence, Sydney already interrupted her with the infamous words [i]"I have to tell you something." [/i] If Florence knew one thing for sure, then it was that this [i]innocent[/i] sentence could turn your life upside down. In a negative way. She could tell you a thing or two about it. However, in this moment, Florence repressed her past-time memories and focused her eyes on her sister. She knew her too well and how much Syd needed her right now. Despite her complicated upbringing, Syd was not the type of girl to be constantly worried. Something was completely wrong. "Oh no no sweetheart, let's sit down," Florence said and tried to calm her down, while looking at the children's chairs next to her newly painted sun. Then, more hesitantly, she put an arm around her crying sister, guiding her to the seats. "Whatever it is, you don't have to worry. We can cope with anything. We are stronger than anybody else, remember? Strong as tigers, that is what we used to say, right?"