[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/Fbn2pDn/Final.jpg[/img][/center] [@Mr Nim] As ever, Mila had compiled all of the mission into a detailed report - and by all it was [i]all[/i]. Her reports had a very bad tendency to be over crowded with useless details or descriptions, being that Mila was able, or rather had no choice, to store all of the information within her memory. To the cyborg, it took a conscious effort to filter only the useful information from everything else, but most of the time a lot went through the net. Knowing this, she had to come up with ways to Mila-proof her reports. One such way was asking another to go through it before she'd send it to the Lieutenant. Speaking of which, Mila knew for a fact that Kuni, her roommate, would be heading here pretty soon. Their room was small, but clean. At the very least Mila's part was for sure, but then again she did not need a lot of space and/or material belongings. When Kuni would finally enter the room, Mila would be...standing straight in the middle of the room, staring at the door. [color=bc8dbf]"Oh. Here you are, Kuni."[/color] Mila had most likely been standing in such a way for several minutes. Chances were her roommate was now 'used' to Mila's antics...or so the cyborg thought. Justified or not, Mila felt as if Kuni judged her awkwardness a bit less than others. It might have been because of her interest towards technology. Mila did notice Kuni was close to her Linker's drone in some way. [color=bc8dbf]"Kuni, I have need of your assistance."[/color] Saying this, Mila started to move towards their common working desk. On the press of a button, a holographic screen opened up. Mila pressed her hand against the control panel, and the text report she had written within herself appeared on the screen for others to read. [color=bc8dbf]"Could you go through my report and filter the information that are pertinent to our superiors?"[/color] Then, turning to her friend, Mila took a surprised expression. [color=bc8dbf]"Oh. I forgot again; Hello, Kuni. How are you? I meant to ask you only if you had the time and were willing to, of course. I am not your superior, after all."[/color] Tilting her head to the side; [color=bc8dbf]"After which, we could engage in socialization?"[/color]