[hr] [center][color=#ffdc44]𝗝𝘂𝗻𝗸𝗿𝗮𝘁[/color] & [color=rosybrown]𝗥𝗼𝗮𝗱𝗵𝗼𝗴[/color] [sub]// [color=#ffdc44]level one[/color] // [color=rosybrown]level two[/color] // // peach's castle - throne room // 1217 words //[/sub] [sub]ft. [color=ff69b4]Kirby[/color] played by [@Lugubrious][/sub][/center] [hr] With the machine gone, Roadhog was finally alone with Junkrat's unconscious body. Junkrat looked oddly peaceful despite being shot and beaten. Sooner or later, he will wake up and attack once more. Roadhog knew that he couldn't take him on his own and had to make a decision. Put him down now or get rid of the brainwashing. He honestly didn't want to kill his only friend, but there wasn't anyone that knew how to rid the influence. Except for the hooded guy. He managed to clear his "heart" with the sword earlier. If he could find him, then maybe it was possible that he could do the same to Junkrat. But, was he that selfish to do that to him? He didn't know the answer to his own question. A little way off, the topmost part of a soft, pink ball poked out from behind the grand doors leading into Peach's Castle. A pair of big, round eyes glanced in curiosity at the few remaining fighters scattered across the bridge, but is gaze lingered the longest on the portly man and his influenced friend. Unlike the others, Junkrat had yet to awaken from Galeem's touch, and the sight of the grenadier's limp body cradled by his faceless companion was a sad one. Even if Roadhog's mask obscured his features, Kirby thought he could tell that the man seemed very alone. He did not hesitate to change that. Running as fast as his big red feet could take him, Kirby zoomed over to Roadhog's side. With a great big smile, the puff held his little nub-arms over his head, and a sparkling pink heart manifested. Before he threw it, however, Kirby waited for Roadhog's permission. Even someone as simple and small as Kirby knew that foisting his friendship on someone who didn't want it would do more harm than good. Nevertheless, he hoped that the big, sad man would let him help. Roadhog heard noises beside him and saw that odd pink creature was standing beside him. He seemed to have summoned a big pink heart out of nowhere. Normally, it would have been weird to see a heart floating, but he had seemed weirder shit. Something about that pink creature seemed trustworthy to throw the heart towards Junkrat. So, he stepped away from the both of them and gave the all-clear to the creature. Of course, he was still unsure about the whole thing. He kept a hand on his gun in case the creature had managed to trick him; however, it seemed like the strange creature had no reason to betray his trust. Overjoyed that Roadhog obliged him, Kirby squealed, [color=ff69b4]"Whee!"[/color] and tossed the Friend Heart at Junkrat. The bizarre energy spattered upon hitting the man, popping like a bubble full of pink cheerfulness. It zoop'ed right into him, and where Kirby's essence made contact, the ashen pallor of Galeem washed away. When the junker opened his eyes, they were just that: his, once more. No longer did the otherworldly entity's strange light reside there--only the usual spark of madness that suited Junkrat so well. Junkrat opened his eyes and immediately knew that he wasn't in London anymore. He remembered everything that had happened today until something consumed him. Some kind of light that turned the entire world into darkness with nobody to call out. And of course, there were the whispers that led nowhere. It was his only source of sanity left in this oblivion. Then, he felt warmth for the first time and woke up to a clear sunny afternoon. Junkrat looked around his surroundings and saw a cute pink creature beside him. It wasn't anything he had been used to seeing but it looked harmless enough. However, he heard the familiar footsteps and saw Roadhog walking towards him. [color=#ffdc44]"Oi!"[/color] Junkrat shouted at his friend, [color=#ffdc44]"Where have you been?!"[/color] Roadhog mumbled something that Junkrat clearly understood. [color=#ffdc44]"Alright, you can tell me later then! Until then, let's get out of here!"[/color] He got up from the ground and looked around at the strange foreign land. Of course, he checked to make sure that he had his gear on him. His handy grenade launcher was lying on the ground covered up on dirt. And he knew that he had mines on him along with his detonator. Now, he and Roadhog needed to go home; however, he had to thank the strange creature first. [color=#ffdc44]"Thanks for, um, waking me up!"[/color] Junkrat said happily towards the creature. A delighted expression took Kirby over. [color=ff69b4]"Hi!"[/color] he cooed, uttering a word for the first time whether he knew it or not. Having a new friend was a cause for celebration, so the pink puff launched straightaway into a bouncy dance. He finished with a pose, one nubby little arm thrust in the air, but after a moment his smile faded. Even if he wasn't quite fit to fight yet, he should be there for those engaged in battle. Junkrat and Roadhog could go where they pleased, but Kirby beckoned them, saying, [color=ff69b4]"Ahh, ahh!"[/color] before taking off again, headed back inside. Within Peach's Castle, the sounds of battle resounded, roaring flame and crashing timber. It was time for the pair to pick a side. Junkrat saw that the creature was pointing at the castle before walking towards it. It seemed that it wanted them to come along and help it out. Naturally, Junkrat was curious about the strange castle and ran towards it while Roadhog slowly walked behind. It was clear that they weren't in London anymore given the air quality was better and bright green grass. While he was heading towards it, Junkrat turned towards his bodyguard and asked, [color=#ffdc44]"Where the bloody hell are we? This place clearly isn't London."[/color] [color=rosybrown]"Long story."[/color] Roadhog responded before making his way inside the castle. There was a sound of battle going on in the distance and Junkrat rushed towards it without any hesitation. And what he saw was unreal. A massive dragon stood tall and proud while attacking the group below him; however, that group was fighting back against it. Junkrat thought that a talking monkey and a hamster operating a mech were the craziest things that he had seen. Roadhog knew the creature and opened fire at it while Junkrat was still standing there in disbelief. [color=#ffdc44]"What the actual fuck is that thing?!"[/color] Junkrat yelled out and turned towards Roadhog while pointing at it. [color=rosybrown]"Like I said, long story."[/color] Roadhog answered. [color=rosybrown]"Just shoot at it."[/color] [color=#ffdc44]"I can do that."[/color] Junkrat grinned and threw down his mine, standing on his with the detonator on one hand and grenade launcher on the other. He pressed the detonator and went up in the air. He managed to fire several shots from his launcher before he landed on the ground. Meanwhile, Roadhog was walking towards the dragon while firing at it. He watched as his pal landed on the ground and started to reload his weapon. Of course, he was happy to have him back, but he still hoped that it wasn't going to come back to bite him in the ass. Once Junkrat was finished reloading, he fired another shot at the creature and tried to call it out. [color=#ffdc44]"Hope that fucking hurts, you gecko!"[/color] Junkrat shouted at the dragon and flipped it off. [hr]