[hider=Cowl Agryn] [b]Name:[/b] Cowl Agryn [b]Race:[/b] Breton [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Age[/b]: 24 [b]Appearance[/b]: [hider=Argyn][img]https://s3.amazonaws.com/sky2/builds/455963/7082.jpg[/img][/hider] With nothing more than some leather boots and magi robes, Cowl is simply dressed. He has short brown hair and green eyes. He is of fair skin and stands at 6 feet exactly. He's comely in appearance, although he has some fading scars on the right side of his face from a burn. Finally, he has a full, short and well-kept beard. [b]Personality[/b]: While never someone to be angry, Cowl does lack compassion. That doesn't make him a mean or unkind person, he just doesn't always realize that he may be a jerk. Usually, he is seen as a kind man, though, until people see his lack of care. Cowl has been headstrong since he was a child. He was raised in High Rock, a place of factions and feuds. He moved away when he could, joining the Mage's Guild for a short time before being removed for a lack of care when it came to who was on the other side of the fireball. His parents are still alive and, to Cowl's surprise, he wouldn't mind seeing them again. After all, they did nothing wrong in the first place. [b]Class[/b]: Major - Destruction, Conjuration, Alteration Minor - Enchanting (if this is ok!), restoration, athletics, illusion [b]Equipment[/b]: "Adept" Robes enchanted with magicka regeneration, a hood enchanted with a magicka increase, and boots enchanted with an additional magicka increase. A handful of potions (2 minor magicka and minor 2 health potions). History: From High Rock to Cyrodiil, from Mage Guild to outcast, Cowl has traveled a fair bit. His plan for life was to rise through the Mage's Guild, but because that did not work he was forced to consider other options. He wanted adventure and he wanted excitement. He needed money and he needed a way, or an excuse rather, to use magic excessively. Cowl thought of no better way to fulfill his needs than to become a mercenary. A bonus to this was that he didn't even care what the cause was. With that, Cowl found himself joining the Skingrag Company. [/hider]