[center][hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=f1c40f]Year 5: Update[/color][/i][/b][/h1][hr][b][color=f1c40f]Date:[/color][/b] July 15th, 2012[hr]Map in Original OOC post - NPC's In CS Tab[hr][hr][b][color=f1c40f]Location:[/color][/b] Camp Mexico Beach: H6 (Quarantine: W)[/center] [b]Temperature:[/b] 94F (34C) [b]Humidity:[/b] Fucking High (Around 98%) - Raining off and on all day [b]Wind Speed:[/b] 7 MPH (11 KPH) [b]Cloud Coverage:[/b] About 62% covered with thick dark clouds[hr] The Major left the group with Panama and turned on her heels. Heading back over to the room that was formerly the sauna and standing point there as she watched over the two that remained. She didn't say anything, just giving a nod to Shears when she came back into the room. Shears waited for Hunter to sit down before he got to work. Giving the man a hair cut as the questions came. He nodded a bit. "Shit, ain't no one ever been what they are their whole life but I've been cutting longer than you been breathing," he said as he worked. Then more questions came and the man chuckled. "Oh ain't you be thinking you're a smart one. Get the old man alone and try to pry information out of him. Boy you must be thinking I was born yesterday. Do I look dumb? Do I look like a bitch? Shit man, someone knock some blocks loose in that head of yours? You're people ain't exactly making a good impression. Taken in, given food, shelter, and we got one having a break down over some damn hair and now you trying to pry in our logistics," he said as he finished up the hair cut and took the barber cloth off from Hunter and shook the hair out on the floor. "I'll tell ya what, if yer on Maddogs bad side... oooo doggie." Looking over to Major he motioned towards the kid. "Take him back would ya," he said and Major nodded. Doc looked up towards Ash and leaned back in his chair. "You need to eat, time will be up soon and we will need to clear this out," he said as he gave a glance towards the food table. Thing was, it really didn't matter how mad or upset people were right then. They needed to eat. No one had had a decent meal in ages. Hunger would override fear and anger. Doc didn't like that fact but it was a fact. It was just how the human body worked. Survival override other emotions. If it didn't people died. He was trying to keep that from happening. Doc glanced towards Beatrice and then Hadrian and chuckled. "Oh, it'll be on you to clean up your own messes here, so let's hope you all have as strong a stomachs as that one claims he has," he said motioning towards Wayne who had proclaimed he could eat anything. "Looking good. Think of it this way, less to keep up with now," Doc said before taking a sip of his coffee. "Come on son," Major said motioning towards the door. It was time to get back to the group. She would lead him back to the others in the conference room and then stand post with Panama. She didn't say anything towards him at first. Just standing next to him as she watched the group. "Everything alright?" Panama asked, noting a look on her face. The major didn't seem to have a look but then again Panama had known her a lot longer than the rest of this group had. How long he had known her was anyone's in this groups guess but hell a day would be a lot longer than the few minutes she had been around. "Call in Sparrow and Frankenstein?" he asked. She gave a single shake of her head. Leaning close she spoke under her breath and Panama nodded. "Righto Major," he said before turning and heading out of the room. Outside there was a discussion going on between several people before they broke off from the main group that had gathered and three pressed their way into the quarantine building, making their way down the hallway to the conference room. Major turned her head as he caught a sight of them out of the corner of her eye and pulled the door open more for them to enter. "Boss," Major said as she held the door open. Doc slid his chair over some and out of the way but stayed seated and went back to drinking his coffee. In front was an older [url=https://i.ibb.co/NWCQDsY/250px-Mark-Harmon-1-edit1.jpg]man[/url] with a strong presence and a stoic look on his face. Anyone that had served more than three minutes in any military would know his walk. This man carried himself like a Marine. That fact was added to by the close crew cut of his gray hair. His startling blue eyes looked the group over and landed on Ash, staring the man over hard as he walked towards the other side of the room with a binder in one hand and firearm holstered on his hip. Behind him was an even older [url=https://i.ibb.co/KNWSxjt/Auntie.jpg]woman[/url], she wore a straw hat and overalls and had a sour look on her face. Next to her there was a younger [url=https://i.ibb.co/zmgW5NR/Tesla.jpg]man[/url], wearing dirty and oil covered jeans and a black t-shirt. He grinned at the group as he took a bite of the large burger looking piece of food in one hand. Behind them filed in several more pushing carts. On the carts were rows of clothing, small packs, and shoes. On one cart were two large buckets. Once the carts were set up behind the man leading the group all but the main three left the room. Opening the binder, the man looked over a stack of papers there, flipping through them before snapping it shut. Looking at the group for a moment before he spoke. "I am Macsen Martin, the Executive Office of Camp Mexico Beach. You may call me Gunny. This is your debriefing for your time in Quarantine. I will go over what you can expect during your time in Quarantine as well as what will be expected of you. Rule 1: Don't screw us over." His voice was even as he spoke and he projected it as to be heard. The man carried himself as a Marine, that much was obvious, most likely a drill sergeant at once point or another. [color=ed1c24]*Okay, here we go. Remember to check your character sheets as well as making sure if your character does or says something, they are reacting accordingly and not just out of a guttural reaction from you. Our characters are smarter than we are.[/color] [hr][hr][center][h1][i][b][color=a187be]Tatiana Newnan[/color][/b][/i][/h1][img]http://www.nerdly.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/fb-108-1.gif[/img][hr][hr][b][color=a187be]Location:[/color][/b] Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (W: Conference Room) [b][color=a187be]Skills:[/color][/b] Psychology, Survival[/center][hr] Tatiana looked up as she heard footsteps coming over to them. It was one of the women that was with one of the other groups, one that Ash seemed to know in one way or another. How she wasn't sure but she knew it wasn't from Newnan. He had to have met her afterwards but before she ran across him again. He seemed alright with her for the most part. She swallowed her food nervously as the woman spoke. She sounded a lot like her husband when she did. Maybe she was from around the same part of the U.S. Looking over to Jamie she spooned another bit of food into the boys mouth with a trembling hand. [color=a187be]"I vas Ballerina,"[/color] she said to the woman's question. It was true. She had been a ballerina before the world turned into what it was today. Then another came over. The older man from the woman's group. It was getting crowded around her and her son and Tatiana slipped an arm around Jamie, putting him into her lap as she gripped the spoon. Keeping her eyes down she muttered slightly. [color=a187be]"Tatiana."[/color] She didn't give her sons name. She looked really uncomfortable with others coming and sitting down around her and her family. Looking around she eyed Ash for a moment before her eyes wandered some and she took note of where the rest of the people from her group were. Seemed Amelia was sitting herself as far away from everyone as possible and looked rather distraught. No one else did. She spoke in a hushed voice towards her husband. [color=a187be]"[sub]1[/sub]В чем ее проблема?"[/color] Looking back to Jamie she fed him another spoonful. [color=a187be]"[sub]2[/sub]Она слабая, она гонг, чтобы вызывать проблемы."[/color] Her voice stayed quiet as she spoke before taking a bite of food for herself. Tatiana glanced towards the door when the group came in, watching them nervously as she held Jamie a little tighter. Her eyes following them as they moved to the front of the room. Seemed they had supplies for the group, or at least she assumed. It wouldn't make much sense to bring in all those clothes if it weren't for them. She sat there, listening to what the man had to say and cast a glance towards Jack. Whatever she had going through her mind she kept to herself right then. Turning her attention back to Jamie she gave him another bite of food but was paying attention to everything going around her even as her knee bounced nervously. [hr][hr][center][h1][i][b][color=598527]Wayne Maldonado[/color][/b][/i][/h1][img]https://media0.giphy.com/media/xT0xex7nwppPNCc2k0/source.gif[/img][hr][hr][b][color=598527]Location:[/color][/b] Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (W: Conference Room) [b][color=598527]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A[/center][hr] It seemed that the former New York Cop couldn't care less to what was transpiring around him. He was enjoying his food and he wasn't letting anything get in the way of that. It wasn't until Hank actually called out to him that he looked up from his plate. The man nearly snorted his mashed potatoes out of his nose as he spotted the jelly to his peanut butter sandwich. He managed to choke it down before he burst out laughing. [color=598527]"Well don't you look like a walking penis,"[/color] he laughed before giving a nod and patting the chair next to him. [color=598527]"Oh she's waiting on you, ready for that sagging ass,"[/color] he chuckled before going back to utterly destroying his plate and actually licking it clear. [color=598527]"Fucking christ, that guy, the one flying the chopper? God damn, he was right. That fucking gravy should be declared a damn miracle! I could eat that shit on anything!"[/color] he exclaimed as he lowered his plate and swatted in front of his face. He eyed the table, debating if he was going to try for seconds. His belly might have been happier and fuller than it had been in a long time but he could still eat. He wasn't going to turn his nose up to food that was for damn sure. If they got the boot, god only knew if they would ever have food like this again. Wayne barely noticed the kid come back into the room as he took his plate up to the front and dropped it off in the dish bucket. He had decided against getting seconds right then but he did grab another couple of rolls and had already scarfed one down by the time his bum was resting back in his recliner. It was about at that time the new crew came in. Wayne got comfortable as he took a bite of a roll, listening to what the man was saying. Granted Wayne had never been in the military but he had been debriefed before, it was a standard thing when you were a cop and were on cases, especially if you were working larger ones. So he just took it in, ever so often swatting around him. [color=598527]"Shit, there isn't much I wouldn't do for that gravy,"[/color] Wayne said to himself before taking another bite of his roll. He was as happy as a pig in shit right then.