[sub][right]In a dark room, elsewhere in the academy... [img]https://i.imgur.com/H0vRWf5.png?1[/img][/right][/sub] Eyes of stern blue are glued to a series of monitors, many focused on the gymnasium, showing off the quirk demonstrations of Jigokuraku's heroics class 1-A. Cross-referencing what was being shown with student reports from their previous schools, as well as footage of the entrance exam, Sakkaku Haruhi was in the midst of compiling a ranking based on the relative development of each student. Beside each student's name was an attachment regarding quirk-specific details, followed by potential training options, statistics based on previous scores during school athletics and academics, the whole nine yards. With untapped focus she committed to her voracious study, her temper and focus built on years and years of experience, contrary to outside appearances. Being ageless had some benefit, after all. Her fingers tapped away like one slamming their fingers against a piano, an un-orchestrated symphony of clicks and taps. She almost didn't hear the signal: a swift double tap against the carpeted floor, signalling a person's approach. With a soft [i]hiss[/i], the office chair she was using to work with lowered as much as it could go, and even then the Proctor almost didn't get her feet on the floor, slipping off of it with a hop. Inside the dimmed room was none other than Oracle Thought, the school's principal, who came in carrying a simple beige folder, thickened by sheets and sheets of paper. [color=lightskyblue]"Sakkaku-san, I come bearing gifts! Investors report, says they'll be here tomorrow to have a house tour! This is all the info you requested."[/color] With an affirmative [b]"Hmph."[/b], Sakkaku quickly took the folder into her small hands, finding the contents to be heavier than expected. Being ageless also had some downsides, but thankfully her desk was nearby, making the trek a short one. She set the heavy folder on her desk chair, popping open the front seal with a click, and taking a peak inside. [center][hider=Investors Report][table] [row][cell][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/366129818791575552/553533342621106176/lorken.png[/img][/cell][cell][img]https://myanimeshelf.com/upload/dynamic/2016-08/31/-447601_5783180b75b452.png[/img][/cell][cell][img]https://i.imgur.com/ULNaNP0.jpg[/img][/cell][/row] [/table][/hider][/center] Good. Nothing unexpected. Clicking the folder shut again, her attention turned back to the Principal, who interrupted her just before she could ask what was on her mind. [color=lightskyblue]"I'm wondering if you've made any progress identifying potential students?"[/color] ... [color=lightskyblue]"I-I'm... worried. Naturally. Do any of them look like they will... you know..."[/color] Sakkaku gave the taller woman a look, furrowed brows on a gleaming forehead really highlighting her age for once, sprouting wrinkles. They faded as she softened up and sighed, trying to let the tense situation the two now found themselves in go, but it was hard to ignore. They both knew what was at stake. Sitting herself down on the chair, using the folder as an uncomfortable cushion, Sakkaku climbed with the hiss of white collar engineering. Her fingers tapped mercilessly against the keyboard, showing the full cast of students, followed by percentage values, all of which were incredibly low. The highest was Mari's, being 5%. The principal, who had leaned in to take a closer look, was disheartened. [color=lightskyblue]"This... this isn't good at all. I can't let this happen. Those numbers are too low."[/color] A few clicks and taps began combining numbers, grouping students together and giving them a greater total. Some now had 0%, but the top student, Mari, had her number increased by 22%! [color=lightskyblue]"This looks better... What are the odds of Haruishi going even higher?"[/color] The numbers then combined to give all other students a grand total of 0%. Haruishi Mari, on the other hand, stood at a solid 63%. Still nowhere near good enough, but it did mean in the worst case scenario, there was still a chance. [b]"I feel a little sick when I look at numbers like this. I'd hate to have your job, predicting when they'll all die."[/b] A bead of sweat trailed from temple to chin, Miraime Tokisaki doing her best to stay composed after a statement like that. How could one even begin to know what to do in this situation? Visions of a world turned red, fires raging all over, children screaming, a city left in ruin. And all without a date to give them time to prepare, any sort of guidance to know when disaster would strike. There was a lot of reasons to keep the school open in spite of knowing what she knew, and some of those reasons would mean no matter what, the students would be fine. But if they happened to be caught off-guard, to get caught in such a terrible nightmare... Miraime shuddered at the thought. [color=lightskyblue]"So...? What gives her the edge?"[/color] [b]"Her speed. The support users help her the most. If she can live with sacrificing her friends to save herself, or they're selfless enough to do so for her, then she shouldn't die. The percentage accounts for if she wants to stay behind, but really it depends on what they would say to her."[/b] Sakkaku's tone is monotonous as she replays the video of Mari's demonstration alongside the video of her matching the bus' speed in the exams. [b]"Most of the others couldn't turn tail and run if needed, their pride or friendship could get in the way. But with the right [i]push[/i], it's highly likely Haruishi Mari would live. Of course, it leaves her with survivor's guilt, but this is strictly looking at things analytically."[/b] There was a silence as Miraime let the Director's words sink in. There was no one better in Japan than Sakkaku Haruhi when it came to gauging potential, so she trusted her judgement, but seeing the low chances among the class was depressing. Of course accepting students based on something like potential survival and growth was wrong. So many students scored greater than those doing their demonstrations right now, it was a waste of good looks, good grades. But, if it meant that class would make it out alive, then maybe it would be worth it. Maybe they had what was needed to become greater than ever, even if they didn't look particularly great just yet. [center]She was banking on that being the case... If they couldn't become the best as soon as possible... ... then everyone in Jigokuraku's class 1-A would die.[/center] [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Y9WMv10.png[/img][/center] The demonstrations had been a smooth, exciting process overall, and Goudo was happy with what he saw. Many of the students kept things simple, such as Kiko, Azukina and Yasu, focusing on demonstrating their quirks as quickly or as simply as they could. Of course, their quirks were pretty self-explanatory anyway, and their flashy displays more than made up for their length. Those who utilised their quirks with ingenuity, such as Souta, Akeno and Mari, proved that some quirks (and in Akeno's case, people) had levels of complexity to them that had to be accounted for, and all showed a rather refined understanding of what their quirk did, much to Goudo's pleasure. However, it was those that tried to team up who really caught his eye, from Haruka and Soga's aerial rescue to Shun and Shiki's hostage takedown, the level of cooperation among the students actually had him impressed. He didn't expect so many to work so well with one-another so soon, and the fact they seemed mostly pretty friendly (save one particular exception) put a shiny white smile on his face. [color=gray]"OK, everyone, that's enough for now!"[/color] He let his voice project out across the gym, creating a slight echo. With the last of the demonstrations done, he tapped a bit at the console to close everything back to normal, returning the danger room back into a simple gym. With the class mostly together with him on the bleachers, he didn't have to go far to get their attention. [color=gray]"Excellent demonstrations, guys! You all did fantastic! Huge shoutout to everyone who decided to pair up for their demonstrations, we really want to see more of that. Even Seijin and Ryota, though please try and keep things a little less hostile next time?"[/color] He gave the two boys a healthy smirk before having his attention stolen by a phone call. Seeing who it was, he answered and quickly listened on what was about to happen, hanging up with an [color=gray]"All right, awesome! See you outside."[/color] His phone back in its rightful pocket, Goudo looked at the group with a face that let everyone know he was hiding something. [color=gray]"Well guys, it looks like we're headed outside for a bit. Best to do so now before you get lost trying to escape the dorms!"[/color] Taking the lead like any good teacher would (though with a watchful eye over his shoulder so nobody would sneak off), Goudo lead the students out of the gym, following a pathway that lead up and out of the school - seamlessly blending nature into the artificial road. [center][img]https://i0.wp.com/drunkenanimeblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/park.gif?fit=500%2C226&ssl=1[/img][/center] [color=gray]"So you see, the school is really close to nature. Like, really close. All it takes is a quick wander off the beaten path and suddenly you're in the middle of the forest, so don't go off the paths, OK?"[/color] He wasn't speaking to anyone in particular, none of the students seemed especially troublesome in that regard. Maybe Kenji if he got distracted or something, but even then it wouldn't be hard to track him down with a gifted Koumori able to hear him a mile away. A gentle stream of water follows either side of the path, artificially formed by digging into the ground to form trenches, to prevent flooding during the wet season. Up the hill some more, and they could see the tops of Jigokuraku's main building, gym, and dorms, though smaller buildings that went unnamed had their place. The sleet and dew on the trees thankfully kept out of the way for much of the path, which seemed to curve around to the back of the school. Though the climb was arduous, proving just how dumb an idea it was to build a school on a steep hill, the students eventually made their way to a large, open clearing surrounded on all sides by trees. Everything beyond the field just looked like more trees and hills, as evidenced by the fences surrounding the open space, though a few pathways delved deeper into the woods, marked by signs illegible from where they were. Goudo spun around with a cheery smile, that same weird look on his face that made one just [i]know[/i] he knew something they didn't. [center][img]https://pm1.narvii.com/6318/902c81f04cd8e945706374ecc0f05378162742f6_00.jpg[/img][/center] [color=gray]"Well guys, welcome to The Field! A big open space to do, err, stuff? It's the gateway to a bunch of the old shrines 'round back, so don't go taking any of the paths just yet. Or climb the fences. Feel free to wander a bit, just don't head off anywhere yet or stand too close to that circle over there! Things will be getting... windy, real soon."[/color]