[hider=Alec Velocity][center] [h3][u]Basic Information[/u][/h3] [u][b]Name[/b][/u] 🍉 Alec Velocity [u][b]Hero Name[/b][/u] 🍉 Atomic Angel [u][b]Age[/b][/u] 🍉 20 [u][b]Gender[/b][/u] 🍉 Male [u][b]Ethnicity[/b][/u] 🍉 Australian - Irish [u][b]Nationality[/b][/u] 🍉 Australia [h3][u]Detailed Information[/u][/h3] [u][b]Appearance[/b][/u] 🍉 Al stands at 5'11, with lean, well defined muscle formation. He looks like a bit of a beanpole at first glance, but a closer look will reveal an extremely toned form. He intentionally keeps himself thin to stay quick and flexible, but don't let that fool you. When he isn't using his powers, his hair is a bold, almost bloody red with bangs that fall as low as his shoulders. He takes the colorful punk-aesthetic in stride, and pulls it off pretty well (if you ask him). When he gets fired up and kickin' his hair goes ghost white. Thanks to his well-played off Albinism, his eyes are a bright red that almost match his hair, and his skin is as pale as you'd expect. He's got a handful of tattoos thrown across his body with no rhyme or reason, and if you ask him what meaning they have he'll call you a dumbass, because none of them mean anything. [hider=Appearance] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/5b/3c/37/5b3c372c0e080af7e71375e926bff49d.jpg[/img][/hider] [u][b]Hero Appearance[/b][/u] [hider=Hero Appearance] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/intermediary/f/c405037d-4595-4c61-ba90-f0cb9ac4243e/d6j1rwu-69d8774a-e209-4179-b23e-2901c685e70f.jpg/v1/fill/w_1024,h_429,q_70,strp/val_velocity_by_oceaneyes756_d6j1rwu-fullview.jpg[/img][/hider] 🍉 Alec's suit [b][i]is[/i][/b] his casual wear. A White jacket with blue trim, a torn to shit black V-neck tank-top, a necklace with a vampire fang pendant, dark blue skinny jeans and black combat boots that are permanently untied, and a blue mask with a red X over his eyes. However, thanks to the fellows at Venture, all of his clothing has some pretty sweet modifications. His jacket and tank top are both made from an ultra-light, ultra-durable Kevlar that prevents puncture wounds from sharp objects or bullets, and both are fitted with dozens, and I mean dozens, of throwing-knife holsters and retractable cabling with enough tensile strength that when combined with his powers can be used as grapples. His jeans and boots are made from similar materials, and both have additional hidden knife-holsters. His boots were specially made for shock absorption, allowing him to stick landings from greater heights than the average person. His mask and necklace however, are just that. A mask and a Necklace. [u][b]Personality[/b][/u] 🍉 Alec only believes in what he can stab, see, and kill. He's got a grim perspective on life and death, and a my way or the highway attitude that makes him difficult to get along with, and nearly impossible to work with. More than anything he considers himself a survivor, and since doing his own thing has got him this far, why the hell should he change? If it ain't broke, don't fix it, right? He's notoriously difficult when it comes to cooperation, and hot-headed enough to fight anybody that tries asserting dominance or authority over him. He's too stupid to know when he needs help, and too stubborn to ask for it even if he does, and thanks to his attitude he's stuck doing low-level missions that don't require more than a single hero, despite how skilled of a combatant he is. He's never been one to trust, and the only people he's ever gotten close to getting along with are those too afraid or too submissive to defy or challenge him. However, as long as you don't try and oppose him directly, he'll let any sort of behavior or activity slide. [u][b]Notable Relations[/b][/u] 🍉 Himself That's it. No, Really. That's it. [u][b]Everyday Skills[/b][/u] 🍉 Alec can fix [i]anything,[/i] cars, bikes, broken bones, doesn't matter. If it can break, he can find a way to jury-rig it back together. He's got a knack for repairs, and he's a master when it comes to first-aid. 🍉 Alec is a skilled survivalist, drop him in the desert with nothing but the clothes on his back and he'll find water in a day, food in three, and a place to sleep near both in a week. It doesn't matter what environment you place him in, he'll figure out what can and can't be eaten, what animals are worth hunting, and how to sustain himself indefinitely. Not that the Academy would ever get so sick of him they'd dump him in the middle of nowhere for a wild goose-chase of a mission, but if something like that came up, the powers that be know who to assign. [h3][u]Combat[/u][/h3] [u][b]Fighting Style[/b][/u] 🍉 Alec is a master of mixed martial arts, hand to hand combat, the works, and if he can't take you down by stabbing you with his knifes or pummeling you with his limbs, he'll use those handy retractable cables of his to hog-tie you faster than you can blink. [u][b]Strengths[/b][/u] 🍉 Any situation in which Alec doesn't have to use teamwork is his play-zone. Thanks to his powers and equipment he's got impressive close to mid-range combat skills, and his maneuverability makes it easy for him to reach those distant targets pretty quickly. 🍉 Thanks to his training Alec is extremely flexible, and can dodge duck and weave with the best of them. That combined with how quickly he can jump, flip, and slide around make him a tough target to get a bead on. [u][b]Weaknesses[/b][/u] 🍉 Alec doesn't play well with others, and improvises his every move. So he's a serious flight risk in any mission involving teamwork or careful planning and tactics. 🍉 Alec doesn't have any heightened physical abilities along the lines of strength, speed, or durability. He's tough as nails, but a punch from somebody with super-strength or just getting shot can put him down for the count if he's not careful. He may be a bad-ass with an iron will, but a broken leg or a punctured lung will hurt him just as much as anyone else. [u][b]Equipment[/b][/u] 🍉 Knives, knives, and more knives. Want to make somebody stop running? A throwing knife does the trick. Want to pull somebody nice and close? That's what hook-knives and retractable cabling is for. Want to get on a roof and don't feel like using the Elevator? His Grappling blades got it covered. This guy has more blades and knives on him then a sporting goods store. [h3][u]Power[/u][/h3] [u][b]Strengths[/b][/u] 🍉 Perfect Projectiles Alec is able to curve anything he throws, any way he wants, Knives just happen to be his favorite thing to throw. He can hit a target 30 yards away, or hit every corner in a room from behind a cracked door. As long as he knows where he's throwing, he can hit it. [u][b]Weaknesses/Limitations[/b][/u] 🍉 Physics exist, so he cant make something he throws ascend after it hits it's peak height. He can't makes something fly forever into the distance, and he can't hit something a mile south in a cave. 🍉 Alec has to either see the path he's throwing a knife, or know the area he's throwing. While he can throw a knife that'll do a full circle around his bedroom and land between someone's fingers with his eyes closed, he doesn't have the same type of accuracy in an unfamiliar environment. 🍉 Alec [b]Does not have an enhanced ability to throw[/b], he can throw harder and farther than most because of years of grueling training and practice, but his ability to throw is by no means a power, and things like distance and flight-time are definetely restricted to what would be expected of a powerless individual. His [b]only[/b] power is the ability to have thrown objects follow the path of his choosing to a super-human extent. (For reference, the world's current records for farthest accurate knife throw is 101 feet) [u][b]Cosmetics[/b][/u] 🍉 His hair changes from Red to White when he is in active combat/on mission. Because why the hell not. [b][u]Extra[/u][/b] 🍉 N/A [/center] [/hider]