[color=c4df9b][hider=Merol Caine] [u][b]Merol Caine[/b][/u] [hider=Appearance] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/70d0304f-135c-48c6-b60e-14c14da3c81c.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b][color=8493ca]Age:[/color][/b] 27 [b][color=8493ca]Guild: [/color][/b] Fairy Tail [b][color=8493ca]New or Veteran Member:[/color] [/b] has been a member for about 9 years [b][color=8493ca]Location/Color of Guild Mark:[/color] [/b] back of left hand, lilac [hider=Magic Type] [b][color=8493ca]Green Magic (Caster)[/color][/b] -manipulate plants -grow and accelerate the growth of existing plants -sustain plants and keep them alive -revive dead plants that aren't too big -plants do not have any boosted properties, only those that they would have naturally -if too many plants are kept alive by drawing from Merol, he can become increasingly fatigued, and may need to drink or eat more -these drawbacks are increased depending on the quantity, size and type of plants -he is able to kill his own plants by not sustaining them anymore (once they are dead, they no longer cause their disadvantages) [/hider] [b][color=8493ca][color=8493ca]Magic Rank:[/color][/color][/b] S [b][color=8493ca][color=8493ca]Strengths:[/color][/color][/b] [b]Optimistic[/b] If something can go wrong, no it won't. Merol's optimism is infectious, and he always tries to live on the bright side of life. He sees the glass as 'half full because you've already drank some', and believes that everything will turn out fine eventually. In bad situations, something good will happen to balance it out. That's just the way he sees life. [b]Determined[/b] While Merol's confidence can cause problems, it is also a good quality, with his faith that no matter what happens, everything will be fine in the end. He can keep his head up in the most dire of situations, and even when things turn sour, he'll try and try until something works. If he keeps getting up, eventually he'll stay standing, and no matter how long it takes, it will absolutely happen. It isn't over until he says it is. [b]Compassion[/b] Feeling down? Need a shoulder to cry on? Just want to chat? Merol will be there for you, assuming he's quite literally there for you to approach. Whatever the issue, he'll do his best to help if you need him to, from talking through the situation to beating someone up (it was [i]only[/i] one time). When he takes a break from his usual boisterous attitude, it can do wonders for those in distress. He does his best to get to know everyone, and in turn, they know him as well. [b][color=8493ca]Weaknesses:[/color][/b] [b]Low-Effort[/b] Merol isn't lazy, he gets things done, but he just doesn't want to take the long route. If something can be done, it can also be done with half the effort in half the time. Alternatively, it can just not be done at all. He'll cut corners at any opportunity, simply because he doesn't feel like it. The consequences vary, but in daily life, they are often minimal. As a result, he can't see the harm in doing things the quick way, even in more important scenarios, where the stakes are much higher. [b]Superstitious[/b] Merol is very superstitious, and any sign of a bad omen or insignificant action that he views as misfortune can leave him spiraling into misery. They are quite clearly false and at times, outrageous, it doesn't change anything and he goes on the way he is, terrified of touching mirrors. His beliefs can be a major inconvenience for both him and others, as he will go out of his way to avoid anything that could cause bad luck, no matter how tedious it may be. [b]Cocky[/b] Merol has a lot of confidence in his abilities as a mage, and as an S-class mage, it's no wonder why. However, he frequently finds himself out of his depth, purely because he thinks he can do pretty much anything if he's bothered enough. He will pick a fight with anything and anyone that looks stronger than him (a solid nine times out of ten, this doesn't end well). His cockiness can lead to him rushing into dangerous situations without much thought since he believes that he'll be fine. [b][color=8493ca]Personality:[/color][/b] Merol is a laid back and easy-going person, and as long as his superstitions are kept in check, is usually in a good mood. He is very social, and enjoys joking around, as well as playful flirting with pretty much anything that is legal and breathes. He can take both of these a little too far sometimes, and can be quite unaware of himself when doing this. He doesn't like thinking of bad things that have happened or he has done, so after situations like this are resolved, his selective memory opts to forget them. He likes to know about people, and can be a bit nosy, but he also likes to be open himself, and has a tendency to overshare. When people need to be comforted, Merol is there for them. He tries his best for other people in need, though sometimes he can come off as overbearing. [b][color=8882be]Background:[/color][/b] Merol grew up not incredibly wealthy but well off in a comfortable life, the eldest of four. For as long as he could remember, he had always wanted to be a guild mage. While he used magic often, he was discouraged by his protective parents of joining a guild, due to the dangers involved, as well as the fine life he had living where he was. But it wasn't enough for Merol, and when he turned eighteen, they reluctantly allowed him to live the life he had dreamed. Had they not let him, he probably would've run off to do it anyway. He joined Fairy Tail, while legendary, also not the greatest guild at present. But it was enough for him, and keeping close contact with his family through frequent letters, which he still does to this day, he struggled through life as a full time mage. Even with his half-assed attitude, which landed him in many, many sticky situations (which, according to him, never happened), he worked his way up the ranks. At the age of twenty six, he completed the S-rank trial, the dream he had since he was young, and he knew that this was the right path. 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