[quote=@Etcetera] If you remove the foundation of logic, all claims become meaningless. I can claim that whatever you propose is false for the sake of it and there isn't anything that can falsify that. Logic is the only way to reach a conclusion, and you can't reach the conclusion that an illogical world can exist without the use of a logic-bound reasoning system, which forbids the former's existence. There is no order without logic. Every idea becomes an isolated entity floating in the sea of nothingness, a place where I can just as easily destroy the notion of any other universe with the simple declaration that they don't exist, easily as you can create them. It is fun to think about. I think that when discussing logic, the conversational idea of what is "logical" (what makes sense to us given the facts we know) gets conflated with the definitional view of what is "logical" (what we can derive given a set of premises and axioms). [/quote] Except I've got a logical foundation with Code for [i]anything[/i]. A universe full of random states of Code still functions. Again, just because it exists doesn't mean it's worthwhile. If Tier Five went around destroying universes that don't make sense then that's fine and good but they aren't doing that anymore. It's highly unlikely that life would arise in a logically uncentered universe unless done by a deity, so... There's also so many things we can't even think of that would make something logical that we wouldn't consider logical. I had another point but I forgot it. :/