[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/h0cmEUB.png[/img] [hr] [hr][/center] It was a weekend off. A rarity in and of itself, there was only one thing to do on such an occasion; hit the beach! Well, sort of. There wasn't an ACTUAL beach worth visiting in the city, but there [i]was[/i] an indoor, artificial beach with a water park included that could be visited. It wasn't even close to what Marseille could offer, but then again what was? It would suffice though, so Lucia donned her swimsuit, packed a towel, and set out to have a relaxing day by the water. The building with the manmade beach was entirely temperature controlled and featured artificial sunlight to simulate a beautiful summer day regardless of season or weather. It was crowded, but that was expected given it being a weekend. By some miracle Lucia managed to find an open umbrella and quickly spread out her towel to claim it. Once that was done she carefully took off her street clothes and folded them inside her bag, then laid down in her sky blue bikini to soak up a few artificial solar rays. "Hey hot stuff, need some lotion applied?" came a voice from nearby not long into things. Lucia looked up despite knowing what it would be, and to her disgruntlement she was right; a mid-teens boy who thought he was being witty. [color=00a99d]"Non, merci,"[/color] she replied nonchalantly, [color=00a99d]"I should be good for at least another hour before I need to reapply, and I'll do that myself. Run along now."[/color] "Aw, come on! I just want to spend some time with you," the hormone-addled youth continued, "Who knows, maybe we could..." [color=00a99d]"For your own sake,"[/color] Lucia cut him off, [color=00a99d]"Do NOT finish that sentence. Au revoir."[/color] "Really now, can't a guy-" [color=00a99d]"D'accord, that is it. I am going to take my sunglasses off, and if by the time my eyes adjust to the glare- which will be around seven seconds, give or take- if you are still here I am going to bury you up to your head in the sand,"[/color] she said as she closed her eyes and began to remove her shades, [color=00a99d]"And I'll make sure you don't come out for a while. Now then..."[/color] It actually only took her 6 seconds to adjust, but the boy seemed to have taken her seriously because he was nowhere to be found. With that handled, Lucia propped herself up and gazed out at the wave pool that formed the "ocean" of the beach. It was plenty relaxing, and it helped take her mind off of the mission and what had happened. Which, she thought to herself, was exactly what the proverbial doctor ordered.