[color=#9A42FA][h3]Vanessa Poirier[/h3][/color][hr] "So it is agreed, the transaction is done?" a hesitant male voice whispered in what was too loud to be a serious whisper. The dawn was barely breaking in the foggy streets of Redhaven, marking a slow end to Vanessa's hours of freedom. [color=#9A42FA]"Yes. I have personally verified the quality and quantity of the blood,"[/color] Nessa answered the mystery man with a smooth, silky tone. Calm yet professional. "How do I know I can trust you?" the vampire asked as he recieved the bag of fresh blood. Vanessa's eyes stayed fixated on the bag of swirling velvety liquid, admiring her work discreetly. Normally blood would clot, but thanks to vampire physiology, their bite emitted - for the lack of a better word - a venom tht would prevent the blood from thickening. Vampire trick especially useful for those who occassionally sold the blood in secret. [color=#9A42FA]"You don't,"[/color] Nessa replied with a tug at her lips, in a matter-of fact tone. [color=#9A42FA]"But I don't see you've got much of other options. Besides. I happen to be very strict to only hunt the purest of bloods,"[/color] she continued with a smug nod at the bag. Looking at the money recieved one last time as if to check it was all there, Vanessa finished the deal and made her way out of the alley, effecticely getting swallowed up by the lingering fog of the dim streets. The hard and uneven cobblestone clicked under Nessa's heels as she walked the empty street. She wanted to make it home before any possible hunters caught a sight of her. She rather liked living in Redhaven and would like to keep it that way. If the hunters caught her identity, she'd have to move into hiding. And Vanessa was way too proud to do that. Ears attuned to the tiniest of sounds as always, it was easy to hear if anyobe was trying to sneak up on Nessa. The sun that was sheepishly beginning to peek out from behind tall, crooked trees was making Nessa aware of her situation going from advantaged to disadvantaged. The increasing light was already making the raven haired woman's eyesight swim ever so slightly. Picking up her pace, Vanessa made sure to be extra aware of any changes in her surrounding sounds.