[h2]Mihama Nanako[/h2] Nanako's shoulders slumped, slightly. Her own abilities as a magus, well... they weren't ignorable, but she was hardly particularly impressive. Meltryllis would obviously be aware of that, given the manner in which a contract between Master and Servant was formed, so the brunette couldn't exactly be surprised about the response. That didn't mean it didn't sting a little, though. One of the things she had hoped for coming to Fusang was a way to improve upon that... but the girl pushed it to the back of her mind, for now. The Atlas operative, Obberhausen, was already performing her analysis... "From... from the future?!" Nanako found herself blurting out. Of course that made sense, and... strictly speaking, as far as she knew, it wasn't exactly impossible. The Throne of Heroes existed outside of time, meaning that it wasn't necessarily impossible to summon someone who had become a hero in the future. But even that didn't feel like it explained everything... though it did explain all about 2030. On the other hand, BB wasn't explained at all... was she somehow responsible for Meltryllis being here? "... I guess I was kind of expecting it, given... er..." she trailed off, uncertain if it was a good idea to mention everything involving BB here. It was around that moment that the situation grew that much more unusual, when the waiter who brought out Meltryllis's parfait suddenly revealed himself to be, not only a Servant, but [i]Sherlock Holmes[/i]. "What?! You... how... you...!" Nanako stumbled over herself. Sherlock Holmes was here, and not only that, but he had been tailing them since she left her apartment? The brunette was both in awe and a little creeped out. [@PKMNB0Y][@KoL]