Penelope relaxed once more as the innkeeper finally gave in and gave them the pricing of the room. While he clearly wasn't thrilled, she was glad that he wasn't going to argue with them any further on the topic. The knight waited as he inspected the gold and then accepted the key from him, muttering a small word of thanks. She nodded her head to Crow in agreement and turned to follow him as he lead the way down the hallway. As he turned to her again and held out his right hand, her gaze quickly fell on the wristband, making her blink in surprise. Though she hadn't been keeping a particularly close eye on him, she was still surprised that he had managed to grab the wristband without her or the innkeeper noticing. Her gaze flickered back up to him and she casted him an amused smirk. "Hmm.. a little. I don't think it fits you very well." she mused jokingly. The knight glanced over her shoulder before looking back to Crow and giving his side a soft nudge. "You know, I was at least hoping you'd wait until tomorrow when we were leaving. I sure hope he doesn't notice it's missing right away. He was already upset enough." Her gaze focused back ahead as they arrived at the room. She went ahead and opened the door before stepping inside. It was another small room with two rather plain beds. The knight had only requested a room with two beds since she figured it would have caused for some suspicion from the innkeeper if she had just asked for a room with one, especially with how he had reacted to seeing Crow. She yawned and rolled her shoulders before moving to sit at the edge of the bed closest to the door. Her gaze flickered over to Crow and she smirked. "Well, I didn't get two rooms like you mentioned but I figured separate beds should be good enough, right?" she teased, leaning back on the palms of her hands.