Cinder looked at Zion unaware it was a clone until seeing it fade away almost all ghost-like which sent shudders down his spine, he did not know why but he felt mixed vibes from that. Was something out of place? He didn't think so as he shrugged at this sitting down on the bed looking at Timmy. [color=ed1c24]"What just happened?"[/color] Cinder asked looking at Timmy who was unsure himself. [color=00a651]"Not really sure, that defied any logic I know. Coming from a Specialist and all I don't think they are magically inclined."[/color] Timmy commented fixing his glasses, he didn't know what he had meant himself so all they could do for now was technically prepare for their upcoming freshman year. Cinder wasn't sure of this but hearing how Specialists were not magically inclined got him concerned, for him he had magic in his veins and did not show it at all at the tryouts as he was trying to fit in with what was expected. Hiding his nervousness he would pick out one of his books to read while his cat made itself known to Cinder by jumping on his bed and sitting next to him. [b]Where:[/b] Inside Red Fountain in his room and Timmy's. [b]With:[/b] Timmy.