[center][h1][color=orange]Megadragonbowser[/color][/h1] [b]Location:[/b] Peach’s Castle – Throne Room[/center] Hyped up from tossing his inferior self right out of the fight, Megadragonbowser let his taunt wash over the opposition. He had assumed intimidation on the heroes' parts, since after all he'd just made a fool of their biggest and burliest member, but his question was answered gratuitously. Ratchet shot first, imploring the tyrant to swallow whole the bomb now arcing his way. Had the Lombax not announced his attack, his position on the sidelines might very well have meant a free hit, his shout prompted Megadragonbowser to look his way. Before the bomb could strike him, he lashed out with a great claw and swiped it out of the way. [color=orange][b]”HAH! MORON!”[/b][/color] He raised his hand to attack, only then noticing the beeping contraption stuck to his talons. [color=orange][b]”HUH?”[/b][/color] Before he could respond, the proximity mine detonated. Its shockwave, so close to his head, left him dazed for a moment, unable to do anything but snarl wordlessly. A smattering of small-arms fire struck him, barely noticeable, but he could not ignore what came next. A heavy bullet struck him, followed by a crimson beam of power, and then a second like the first. Roused by the pain, he shook his head and swung his arms to catch both the whirling mass of metal headed his way and the ape poised to pound him. Though strong, Deathtrap couldn't compare to the tyrant in terms of brute power, and neither could Donkey Kong. After a few seconds of grappling Megadragonbowser's iron grip closed around his prey. Letting instinct take over, he started to squeeze, but Blazermate's sentry broke his focus as it began to batter him with continuing fire. A guttural growl escaped the tyrant, and he opened his mouth to bathe DT in flame. Once the robot was covered, he hurled it as a blazing fireball at Blazermate's sentry and, given its creator's position behind it, her too. By then, Donkey Kong wasn't too far away from struggling free, so Megadragonbowser simply threw him over his shoulder after Bowser. Some grenades, fired from a singed weirdo soaring through the air, exploded against Megadragonbowser's shell, doing little to harm him. He spared Junkrat a brief glance, deciding it would be too difficult to pursue him at the moment, before homing in on the much more obvious threat: Hat Kid. The little brat was mocking him! How dare that pipsqueak, that lowly insect, make light of him, a king!? [color=orange][b]”PUNY SCUM! I'LL SMASH YOU FLAT!”[/b][/color] More pistol fire hit him from the direction of the girl, the source being a unfamiliar man hiding behind the pillar the Hat Kid stood in front of. Megadragonbowser prepared to charge, but the world went dark in an explosion of pain. [color=orange][b]”GRUUUUUUUH![/b][/color] he roared, reeling from the combined effect of Henry's critical hit and Michael's sniper round. Addled by agony and unassisted by his meager mind, the tyrant could only concentrate on the problem right before him. Seeking reprieve from the constant battery, he withdrew into his shell again and threw himself forward, spinning across the floor even faster than before. Mario, Zer0, Junkrat, Henry, Geno, Hat Kid, and Spyro had only a split second to react before the giant, spiked shell ran them over. Whether or not the little girl went two-dimensional, however, the pillar behind her remained. Megadragonbowser slammed into it with a momentous [i]CRACK[/i], the force obliterating the hardened stone and flipping the tyrant onto his back. Pieces of the column rained down as Megadragonbowser struggled feebly, totally stunned for a few seconds. [center][h3]Tora and Poppi[/h3] [b]Level 3 Tora[/b] - (17/30) EXP and [b]Level 1 Poppi[/b] - (6/10) EXP [b]Location:[/b] Peach's Castle – Throne Room [b]Word Count:[/b] 574[/center] After getting thrown off, Tora got to watch the smorgasbord of attacks that awaited Megadragonbowser the moment he unveiled himself and got done with Bowser Actual. While he didn't think any did crippling damage -this bozo could take a [i]lot[/i] of punishment!- the fusillade kept him from getting any attack started for a little while. The only payback the tyrant managed was to wad DT up, blanket him in fire, and send him hurtling toward Blazermate's encampment. Tora saw his chance to act, and took off running. Poppi blasted after him, picking him up to carry as she identified his target. With her help, the Nopon got in the way in time, and delivered to the flying machine a shield bash from below to change his trajectory. Blazermate and her turret were no longer in danger, and with his momentum running out and the flames almost shed, DT would have the chance to recover midair with non-critical injuries and rejoin the fight. [i]I did it![/i] Tora wanted to cry in adulation, but his heart was pounding too hard. How did he do it, anyway? It was as if his body moved on his own. He turned back toward the tyrant, watching a few more attacks land before Megadragonbowser lost his temper completely and went to pulverize Hat Kid. “Oh, no!” Once more Tora and Poppi started to move, the latter grabbing the former for a rocket ride as before. The onslaught by Henry and Michael delayed their foe's assault by just a moment, but even still, Tora knew that he wouldn't get there in time. “Poppi, let go of Tora!” he yelled, “Get close and use Level Two on friends!” A pained expression crossed the blade's face, but she nodded. “Okay.” If they were to stop their allies getting creamed, they needed all the speed they could get. She dropped Tora, who tossed her the drill shield as he fell, and rocketed closer to the allies closest to Megadragonbowser's incoming brutality. Her power flowed through the weapon, and its drill bit extended to rotate at incredibly high speed. “Noponic Storm!” A whirlwind of air surged forward to push Spyro, Henry, Geno, and Junkrat out of the way. The others, farther back, would have to dodge on their own. What happened next, Tora did not expect. The force with which Bowser struck the sturdy pillar knocked him right over, leaving him completely open to attack. Thinking back, Franklin had taken cover behind it -though that meant he'd have to dodge raining chunks now- and the little girl stood in front of it to taunt their foe. The Nopon wondered if they'd planned it, but he had no time for amazement. He jogged toward where the fallen king lay. While starting to run out of breath, he knew an opportunity where he saw it. Poppi landed behind him and passed him the shield, and after taking it the Nopon went to town. He whacked Megadragonbowser again and again, pausing only to execute a Big Boost or Spinning Cutter. His shield's drill bit screamed and its thrusters flared, sending up smoke while little bits of scale rained down. Standing by, Poppi continued to channel ether into him. While the others would no doubt be taking the chance to punish their adversary severely, Tora thought to build up his resources for the next stage of the fight. Whatever came his way, Megadragonbowser wouldn't be going down so easily.