Trevor looked right at the odd, shadowy dragon who was following them, and he said [color=2e3192]"Sure, let's try it... can't be any worse than what we're doing, right?"[/color] and after a weird flash of light, Trevor felt... almost nothing different. He then kept wandering around, passing by another spider, and what appeared to be a small golem made of stones, as well as a giant steel door, until he eventually made it right to a city of literal mole people... one of whom was baking bread, and putting it out on a cave's windowsill. The place was also oddly well-lit for being a town where its entire population hates the light. There appeared to be signs in a language that didn't look like it was anything from Earth, a small runed stone at Trevor's feet, and some mole people speaking in what Trevor could only describe as gibberish. Curious about the strange, glowing markings on the stone, Trevor picked it up, and it seemed to attach itself to his forehead, leaving a glowing green mark similar to the one that was on the stone he picked up... said stone was still in his hands, but it was now blank. Trevor seemed a bit confused at this, and then he noticed a strange, new power... one that he used to analyze what the signs said, and what the people were saying. [color=2e3192]"Huh... seems like the mole people here are talking about some sort of big, exciting event... that sign obviously says bakery, though, it directly translates to 'bread mine', and that other sign is a... potion shop? How... strange,"[/color] Trevor said to his friends regarding the information he got from scanning the place with his new skill, gotten from his new rune. What kind of luck did he have that the one thing that would allow them to communicate with these new people would just be sitting at Trevor's feet when he entered the town... somehow... through randomly choosing pathways?