[@QueenNugget] Damien was still hungry, and now he felt slightly disappointed that there wasn't a pancake party happening. Though he supposed he could get food elsewhere, that would also mean he'd have to pay for it.Oh well. He turned to look to Rhea, who seemed to echo his thoughts. [Color=Thistle]"Well it was nice to meet all you wonderful people, but like Rhea said, we got other things to go do today.[/color]" He stretched his arms and moved to follow Rhea out when she abruptly stopped in the doorway. He almost ran into her and stopped just in time. Opening his mouth, he was about to ask what was going on when she mentioned something about a reunion party. His annoyance disappeared as he smiled, [Color=Thistle]"Hmm, that sounds dangerous, but fun. I like it,"[/color] [i]Certainly fairies could liven things up more than this sad bunch can.[/i] He took a drag on his vape and put it back in his pocket. [Color=Thistle]"Now we just have to have to think of how we get there."[/color] He raised an eyebrow. He liked where this was going, but he figured some amount of scheming would be required before they just waltzed their way into this forest.