[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Zmaysrl.png[/img][/center] [center][h1]Presumed Terror Attack Wracks Penrose Following Cathedral Destruction[/h1] [i]Written By: Rebecca Suthers[/i][/center] The dark clouds that surround Penrose seem to grow ever dimmer each day, with no sign of reprieve. Serial killings and terrorist attacks almost seem common place in this society of ours - a statement no man nor woman should ever have to make with serious intent. With such awful events occurring on a near enough daily basis, it is to be wondered if the streets of Penrose will ever return to their once and former safety - and if the people that walk them will ever trust that peace again. [h3][url=https://thepenroseindependent.wordpress.com/2019/03/14/presumed-terror-attack-wracks-penrose-following-cathedral-destruction/#more-46]Read More[/url][/h3] [center][h1](The Penrose Preternatural) Dozens Dead in Magical Skirmish at Penrose Stadium[/h1] [i]Written By: Christine West[/i][/center] The word "Catastrophe" scarcely does the days incident justice. With as many parties involved as their were, it was inevitable for a large number of civilian casualties. But, as we have been informed by onsite Reporters, who assisted in recovering bodies with the emergency services, the numbers of dead built up over the course of the battle were "truly staggering". Following a monster attack on a stadium full of civilians awaiting a baseball game set to take place that day, the arrival of a number of Magical Girls - including one, seemingly a stimulating factor to the destruction, and presumed servant of a Horror - began the spiral of death that persisted until a Greater Horror, spawned by some or another Patron, was slain. [h3][url=https://thepenroseindependent.wordpress.com/2019/03/14/the-penrose-preternatural-dozens-dead-in-magical-skirmish-at-penrose-stadium/#more-45]Read More[/url][/h3] [center]~[/center] [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/spRYwkm.png[/img][/center] [center][i]On A Mission[/i][/center] The Vixen had been missing for days. Her time spent in the Overcity took much longer than she originally intended; the charge up of her newly gained Overcity Shift was much longer than any typical usage of Evolution, and once the bloodlust had subsided she understood why. Third Eye allowed her to see entrances to the Overcity, but actually opening them was a different endeavour altogether. It took a special skillset, a special kind of poweer - one she herself didn't possess. But that girl did, one of the Beacon operatives who accompanied Alicia to the Cathedral. When she finally emerged from The Overcity, she was on the outskirts of Penrose. As calmly as possible, minding her own hunger and lust, she mad her way back to the lair. She had no intentions of staying long. A few days later, she would abandon the place, leaving a blood drenched lair, filled with refuse, broken pieces of her kills, and their weaponry. The ritual folllowed soon after, for days when nothing could satiate her boken mind. Bleeding herself, to feel the pain, and then consuming that blood, to appease a sense of taste, and drown out the lust for a little while more. And then she would sleep. And the next day, the cycle would repeat. What a horrid creature she had become. [center][i]Present[/i][/center] In the two weeks since the Cathedral incident, The Vixen had relocated twice. Kills had been limited, Magical Girls and mundane humans alike had begun paying closer attention to how things were around them. The Penrose Independent, publishing their stories on her movements, her kills. Nobody had come after her since Olympia attacked her, but the encounter left her paranoid, on edge, evcen more so than usual. Bloodlust left her weak most days, on top of the bleeding, forcing her to seek more inadequate means of satisfaction, both for her hunger, and sanity. The end of the two weeks, though, spelt something different. The voice of Cindy Ford rang across the city, rousing her from a slumber perturbed and barely passable. Her robes remained damp and sticky with the last nights blood, but heat dried them out quickly. Just another part of her daily routine, something she barely needed to think about. Her attention was soundly drawn elsewhere - to the self proclomation of Penrose this entity made. Better judgement would have kept her out of the situation. Beacon, The Mint - every Magical Girl faction, Patron, and otherwise, would almost inevitably wind up at the location of the transmission. It was only a matter of time. But better judgement had never been The Vixen's strong suit, even less so now. Mad as she have been, she was still smart. This made sense, this was rigt, this would be helpful. She packed up what terribly few belongings she had left, barely even enough to fill a pocket. A cellphone, a photograph, a key to a storage container, and nothing more. She emerged from a door, into a dimlit back alley of Penrose, where not even the sun could reach thanks to the angles of the buildings. And then she ran. Far. [i]Fast[/i]. The Vixen emerged from a fire escape, up the wall of some apartment complex, and dashed across one roof to another. Up a second wall and down a third, then across a busy street, along a windowsill, and finally, up the side and onto the roof of Penrose Town Hall. There, two girls waited for her. Two girls she had never come across before, addressing the mysterious "Cindy Ford". She eyed them warily, the blades sliding out of her gauntlets, and a pressure building at the back of her mind, in the face of potential [i]prey[/i]. [colour=Gray]"Who the hell are you two,"[/colour] she growled, mentally and physically prepared for a fight in seconds, [colour=Gray]"And where's Cindy Ford?"[/colour] [center][@t2wave][@FamishedPants][@Ariamis][@PlatinumSkink][/center] [center]~[/center] [center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190313/8f36699659ebb5d021c7238610ff6b7b.png[/img][/center] [center][i]Primary Objective[/i][/center] Atop a nearby building, just a few blocks away from Penrose Town Hall, but with a clear view of the structure, a Magical Girl stood, observing the scene. [url=https://cdn.awwni.me/r86b.png]Her light brown hair[/url] flittered in the wind, as she held a somewhat rigid stance. Waiting for something. One hand on the scabbard of her blade, and one at her side, occasionally brushing her locks out of her eyes, Rebecca Suthers stood waiting. Some minutes following, a second girl entered onto the roof. The stairwell door opened with some difficulty in the wind, but eventually, from behind Rebecca, [url=https://i.imgur.com/qzCkQN0.jpg]the tanned skin, teenage form[/url] of Christine approached. [colour=PaleTurquoise]"Looks like The Vixen turned up."[/colour] she commented, pointing off towards the Town Hall, where the many tailed figure of The Vixen had just launched herself onto the roof, [colour=PaleTurquoise]"Guess the Boss was right after all..."[/colour] [colour=Thistle]"Fuck d'ya mean she was right? What, she predicted this shite?"[/colour] [colour=PaleTurquoise]"When Cindy Ford made her announcement. 'This'll attract near enough everyone in Penrose. The Mint, Beacon, the Patronless - hell, I'll bet The Vixen will be there.'"[/colour] Rebecca sighed, looking back from the building and to Christine, who was holding a sheet of paper. [colour=Thistle]"Guess she's always been good at predictin', eh?"[/colour] there was an obvious tinge of anxiety to her voice; that confident, Scottish accent she presented to Lee and the Timberwolves was dimished greatly, [colour=Thistle]"Issat me story?"[/colour] Christine nodded, and handed the sheet over. [colour=PaleTurquoise]"The better target is Alicia. Penny doesn't exactly have much sway in the Beacon, but you should be aware that, if the Informants are right, Alicia has a Light Specialisation."[/colour] she paused for a second, to let Rebecca take in the information of the sheet. [colour=Thistle]"And? What's this vague-as-shite story got's to do with some cunt's Specialisation?"[/colour] Rebecca queried in response. [colour=PaleTurquoise]"It means she can tell if you're lying."[/colour] with those words, a semblance of realisation dawned on Rebecca's face, [colour=PaleTurquoise]"That's why your story is vague. As long as what you say is truthful in a non-explicit sense, the Boss thinks you'll be fine."[/colour] [colour=Thistle]"Are you's 'avin a fuckin' laugh? You want me ta' go up to a fuckin', a fuckin'-"[/colour] a heightened sense of panic rose in Rebecca's voice, [colour=Thistle]"[i]Beacon operative[/i] an' 'ope she doesn' notice 'ah ain't being truthlike? You're shittin' me!"[/colour] [colour=PaleTurquoise]"Or be suspended. Like your sister. Somebody more [i]competent[/i] can do your job if you wont. You might be a Tasker now, but you're still a Journalist."[/colour] Christine fired back, her threat clearly striking a chord, [colour=PaleTurquoise]"Just... stick to the story. You'll be fine, okay? Sasha is on standby in case you need to be evacuated."[/colour] The anxiety didn't fade much at all with the promise of a safety net, but even still, the shaky Rebecca nodded her head. [colour=Thistle]"Fine, 'ah... aight, 'ah can... 'ah can do this... 'ah can do this."[/colour] Christine took a step away from the edge of the roof. [colour=PaleTurquoise]"I'll see you back at the Vista. Sasha will meet you when you leave, and escort you back."[/colour] With that, she swung back open the door to the stairwell, and made her way out of the building - leaving Rebecca to ruminate, and prepare. [center]~[/center] [center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190313/475f66cf30003351a8039f7620ab1d8b.png[/img][/center] [center][i]Preliminary Preparation[/i][/center] [center][sub][colour=2E2C2D]Will you attend the summons?[/colour][/sub][/center] The voice of The Lady crept into her head. Katelyn was shacked up in what could only be described as a home - or, at least, what had been her home for the past while. It was far the traditional stereotypes people created for a monster's lair. Members of The Web had provided her with an apartment, poorly looked after, and lacking any real size, but it did its job well. She rarely stuck around, but still, the three room place had become as much a home to her as her old home. Back before she became a Monster Girl. [colour=DodgerBlue]"Why should I?"[/colour] she asked back aloud, breaking the silent air of her apartment with the question. Besides the living room kitchen combo, and the bathroom, the only other room the apartment possessed was the bedroom - where Katelyn found herself sat. Atop her bed, tail and wings stretched out behind her, this was the most comfortable she could ever be. And yet, the room barely held comfort at all. It was bland, lacking any kind of proper furniture besides the bed and a wardrobe. The curtains were drawn perpetually closed, with the only lightsource beind the overhead lights, illuminating the white-beige walls fully. The only thing of note in the room was the corkboard that lined the majority of wall beside her bed. And, more particularly, its contents. Dozens upon dozens of photographs lined it, pinned to the wall with an equal number of pieces of paper: news articles, from the Penrose Independent and various other sources; hazy photographs from bystanders; evidence of dubious nature. Every inch reeked of "conspiracy theory". [center][sub][colour=2E2C2D]She is calling everyone to challenge her rule. [i]They[/i] will likely attend.[/colour][/sub][/center] Katelyn twitched. [colour=DodgerBlue]"Yes, but-"[/colour] her words were cut off by another burst of sound within her head. [center][sub][colour=2E2C2D]You remember our contract, do you not?[/colour][/sub][/center] [colour=DodgerBlue]"Of course I do!"[/colour] she shouted, frustration mounting in her voice, [colour=DodgerBlue]"I just... need to prepare."[/colour] [center][sub][colour=2E2C2D]For?[/colour][/sub][/center] [colour=DodgerBlue]"You know what for. I'm not stupid, you can read my thoughts. You know [i]exactly[/i] what I'm preparing for."[/colour] the anger that rose within her for a moment subsided quickly. She couldn't afford anger. She didn't deserve [i]emotion[/i]. This was a mission, that had to be surgically, and tactically, performed. Her fight with Elroy and his lackies showed her that much. Running in with the plan to completely annihlate wasn't good enough anymore. These people were stronger than she originally thought. If she wanted to deal any real damage - make any real headway on her goals - she needed strategy. [center][sub][colour=2E2C2D]You're abandoning her?[/colour][/sub][/center] Silence lingered for palpable moments. Katelyn was still, and quiet, reminiscing for some time. Staring at the corkboard. [colour=DodgerBlue]"That way of fighting... just doesn't suit me..."[/colour] she finally said, with a slight chuckle, thinking back to the good times - so many years ago, [colour=DodgerBlue]"I don't think I can ever really be like that... I was fast, but she was always better. Always."[/colour] Another pregnant pause followed. The Lady said nothing, Katelyn said nothing. Unlike before, though, this silence wasn't uncomfortable. It was consensual - neither was willing to break it, nor what it represented in that moment. However, after nearly a minute, Katelyn finally forced herself up from the bed. She donned her disguise, grabbed a jacket from her wardrobe, and made her way into the living room. [center][sub][colour=2E2C2D]Where do you plan to go?[/colour][/sub][/center] [colour=DodgerBlue]"I know you know that too."[/colour] Katelyn retorted, as she pulled out a door key, and exited the apartment, [colour=DodgerBlue]"You're right... They probably [i]will[/i] be there. Now is the best opportunity I have."[/colour]