Ronan had Morgan's back this time. He fired a quick shot at the Saurian that Morgan was engaging after the enemy readied a weapon. The Saurian was shot in the back, just in time to give Morgan opportunities to recover. The force of the buckshot was enough to knock the already heavily-injured Saurian down on its stomach. Morgan was free to stab the body to ensure the Saurian's death. Thanks to Angeline's intervention and Tanya's barrage, the ambushing Saurian that attacked the Canadian bombardier took cover by a thick tree. Shahab attempted to flush out said Saurian with a grenade. "Frag out!" Shahab launched the grenade to the Saurian's position, yet it turned out to be a dud. Laleh was ready to fire a dart to temporarily heal injured operatives, but Ronan radioed to the two siblings to provide suppressive fire on the Saurians from behind. Shahab focused on the Saurian that attacked Santiago as it was out in the open. "Say goodnight, lizard!" Laleh aimed against the Saurian in cover, yet had difficulty against it as her rifle wasn't penetrating. Shahab managed to get the other Saurian to duck and cover, but it turned out they had tricks up their sleeves. "I heard that!" The ducking Saurian retaliated against Shahab by throwing a grenade. The grenade revealed a nasty surprise. [b]ZAP![/b] Shahab took the brunt of it, convulsing as if he had a seizure. Thinking quickly, Laleh fired a dart to his hip, pumping him full of adrenaline, painkillers, and hemostatic agents just in case of internal bleeding. Fortunately, this was key in preventing Shahab from going out cold. Both hunkered down in new cover after the grenade attack, quickly reloading to provide more firepower. The Saurian in cover screeched out to its compatriot to use real weapons and to go lethal. "You'll never take us alive!" The covered attacker attempted to draw fire from its compatriot by using potshots and suppressive fire against the closest Griffin operatives. The remaining two Saurians knew they were outnumbered by the operatives, but were determined to give it all they got to make them regret the raid. While the Saurian that engaged Shahab and Santiago was the most dangerous opponent so far, that particular Saurian wasn't a leader. RT-07E5's shot revealed who led the convoy. A seemingly normal-looking humanoid was deep in cover, using communication equipment to request reinforcements. "We're being attacked by active insurgents, send reinforcements!" Despite the frantic tone of voice, it would be a while before EE could get a bead on the location for sending reinforcements. The EE on the other line merely responded with, "Just hold the line as best as you can! Reinforcements will take a long time to trace your remote location." The leader's face sunk as a new sense of urgent self-preservation took over. Directing a mass of four robots and six clones against the operatives, he hoped the cannon fodder would provide a distraction as he scampered for cover.