[img]https://s33.postimg.cc/amkvj2gkf/image.png[/img] [hr] While Yui rushed over to her friends, obviously with important news to share regarding the information that had been unveiled, a [url=https://i.imgur.com/9VxTOUG.jpg]young woman[/url] garbed in a maid's outfit watched them from from a nearby bench. She nodded to herself resolutely, indeed, these were the ones that she needed to find. While their fourth appeared to be missing, hopefully they would be able to find her rather quickly. This was a time sensitive endeavor after all. The maid rose with confidence, quickly approaching the three girls with a pleasant smile and a quite approachable aura. [b]"Excuse me? Young ladys?[/b] Her Japanese was impeccable, indistinguishable from someone who had been born and raised in the area. However a slight hint of an accent peeked through, betraying her British origins to the three Light Magical Girls. [b]"I have a message for you three, well all four of you actually. I hope you can find your friend rather quickly, my master desperately needs your assistance."[/b] A letter was pulled out of her apron pocket, the wax seal on it somewhat fresh looking. It was quickly pressed into Yui's hands, a bit forcefully actually, after which the maid stepped back respectfully. Any attempt to ask the maid questions would be met with an insistent motion to open the letter, attempts to walk away would result in her simply following them. She was dedicated to her job to say the least. Upon opening the letter, they would find the following message inside. [center][b][color=honeydew]Hello Magical Girls! My name is Margaret White and I too am a Magical Girl! Well I was, but that's what I need to talk to you about. I need you to come to this address rather quickly, as time is of the essence! For my Emblem, that which grants me my magical powers, has been stolen! My maid Elizabeth will lead you to my home upon request, but if you want to use your powers to get here more quickly just tell her as much. She is privy to our lifestyle and won't tell a soul, so there is no need to worry about secrecy. In conclusion, I really need your help and you really need to get here right now please. Signed, Margaret White[/color][/b][/center] While for the most part the handwriting was impeccable, near the end where she is asking for help the handwriting seems to get a bit sloppier, as if Margaret was in a rush to get this written as quickly as possible. After they finished reading the letter, the maid now identified as Elizabeth would speak once more. [b]"As you can see, we are in quite dire straits and need your assistance. I can give you some time to collect your thoughts and discuss this with your... companions, however time is off the essence."[/b] With that being said, Elizabeth simply stood there silently and waited for them to make their decision.