[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/DLGhcA0.png[/img] [color=black][b]0 MP/0 FP [/b][/color] & [color=f7941d][h1]Kalmar[/h1][/color] + [color=brown][h1]Arryn[/h1][/color] & [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/divinus-iii/images/d/df/Shengshi-logo.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/310?cb=20190112093445[/img] [/center] [hr] Time passed, as Kalmar taught Arya the basics of survival. He taught her how to craft a crude mundane spear from wood, and then showed her how to fish with it. He taught her how to make a fire and cook. He even trained her on the basics of combat. He crafted a bow for her by hand, and showed her how to shoot it. [color=f7941d]“Every kill must serve a purpose,”[/color] Kalmar had told her. [color=f7941d]“You should use as much of it as you can, and you should never kill just for the sake of killing.”[/color] [color=f7941d]“I believe you have mastered the essentials,”[/color] Kalmar finally told her one day. [color=ivory]”Are you sure?”[/color] Arya had asked, standing taller than ever before. She felt a bit of pride even. She had learned so much from him, and for that she would forever be thankful, even indebted. Kalmar had shown her kindness when she needed it most, and through the long nights she had even found a semblance of companionship, but something in her heart told her it wouldn’t last forever. So each and everyday, she had gotten the most out his teachings. And then that day came. [color=f7941d]”There is still more to learn,”[/color] Kalmar continued. [color=f7941d]”But I cannot teach it to you here - this land has only a swamp, a river, a lake, and a marsh,”[/color] he confessed. [color=f7941d]”And it will be a long time before I can add anything more.”[/color] He paused, letting her digest that information. [color=f7941d]”But there is another land to the southeast, with more ecosystems, and more to experience. If you want to continue learning, it would be best to go there.”[/color] With a solemn expression in her eyes, she had nodded approvingly even if in her heart she wanted to stay. Kalgrun had grown on her in an odd way, it felt homely. But it wasn’t really her home, was it? Just as quickly her expression had changed to that of joy and she spoke excitedly, [color=ivory]”I understand. So when do we leave?”[/color] [color=f7941d]”I will not be going with you,”[/color] Kalmar told her. [color=f7941d]”I have another task to attend to,”[/color] he said, thinking of her father. [color=f7941d]”We will meet again. But for now, I want you to practice what you learned without my help. Arryn will accompany you, and I will find you when my task is complete.”[/color] Her eyes expressed sadness by the time Kalmar had finished talking, but once again, she understood. [color=ivory]”Very well, I will practice and I shall win. Thank you, for everything Kalmar.”[/color] She said, looking around for Ary. A nickname she had started calling the avatar. Kalmar nodded. Arryn was perched on a nearby tree, and let out a sound to catch her attention. [color=f7941d]”Grab your spear, your bow, and your arrows,”[/color] Kalmar instructed her. [color=f7941d]”And I will leave you with one final lesson. Out there, you may feel fear. A feeling that you can’t handle what is in front of you, that you don’t know how to proceed. Do not listen to this feeling; if you do, then it will come true. Stay calm, remember what I taught you, and you will succeed.”[/color] Arya nodded in return, grabbed her items and looked back at Kalmar as she raised her hand for Ary. She was happy, a nervous, and maybe even a little scared, but if she was ever going to get back to her true home again, she needed to grow. [color=ivory]”Kalmar,”[/color] she started as Arryn began to swoop down, [color=ivory]”You should smile more. I like that smile.”[/color] And then the avatar grabbed her, and the journey to new lands had begun. Kalmar gave his thin smile as he watched her leave, and then felt a strange tug in his heart. It was… sadness? Worry? He tried to shake it off. She would be fine, and if she wasn’t… well, he did what he could, and she couldn’t stay with him forever. Yet still, the feeling did not go away. Instead he turned his gaze south, in the direction of the nearly erected, still barren continent, and took flight on a course of his own. As Kalgrun became a blur beneath her feet, and the vast ocean sprang up to meet them, Arya couldn’t help but laugh, [color=ivory]”Come on Ary! Let’s go on an adventure!”[/color] [color=brown]”SCREEEEEEE!”[/color] [hr] The skies drifted lazily across the sky as the falcon rose and dove in accordance with the air currents. The air grew warmer as they floated eastwards, the steam of the Saluran Mendidih influencing the air even up here. The distant greens of the Nanhe jungles bloomed across the horizon, contrasted by a black column of ash and smoke from Mount Eldahverr cutting the horizon short at its very edge. The very southern tip of the continent betrayed a grey, barren spot - thankfully under assault from the surrounding forest, slowly being re-consumed by the unyielding life. Her world was vivid canvas of new colors, sights and smells as Ary flew over rock and stone, plant and life. The small girl was completely astonished by everything she saw. Such things Kalmar had never told her about were even more so impressive. To the strange, distant steam rising from the sea between the vast rocks, to the distant smoke that rose up, up and up! But with all the life, she was taken aback by the large, ugly stain of destruction she saw that marred the land. For some odd reason, she felt a connection to it, but as she saw the swathes of green that slowly encircled the stain, even breaching it in places, she felt relieved and the connection faded. “How peculiar,” a disembodied voice thundered around the duo, or more specifically - from behind. A flash of gold and glitter that nearly rivalled the sun blasted past the two, nearly casting their shadows onto the empty air in front of them. Arryn stopped, hovered in place for a few moments, and turned Arya around. Behind them was the colossal, snarling head of a dragon, coated in gold leaf. The head’s neck stretched downwards underneath what could only be described as an enormous ship’s hull, perfectly crafted with multiple shades of mahogany. The dragon’s head was flanked with golden railings adorned with pearls and small, draconic statues, and behind it rose first a tall spire, backed by a taller spire - both bejeweled with gold and stones to the point of redundancy. To crown this creation of divine excess, the roofs of the towers consisted of green jade tiles, with more golden dragon statues at the corners. On top of the dragon’s head stood a tall, red-scaled, serpentine humanoid and plucked at its braided beard. “I have seen many sights throughout creation, yet none quite like this…” it said, evidently amused judging by the following chuckle. The voice had startled Arya, and had broken her attention from the world below, up to what was around her. Then all of a sudden something massive flew by them, and for a brief moment Arya remembered the monster in the sea, and her eyes went wide. Could there be monsters that flew as well? But Kalmar’s words echoed in her head, she couldn’t show fear! She had to face it! And when Arryn turned around, Arya came face to face with a monster! Its visage was horrific, but even though it wanted to eat her, because that’s what predators did, she noted how beautiful it looked. But then nothing happened, it didn’t attack her, or come any closer. It just sort of...died and she was curious. Looking past the dragon’s head, she saw what the monster truly looked like and slowly, she began to laugh, high melodious notes. It was not in fact a monster at all, but something else entirely, the ship Kalmar had mentioned! Then that meant… And as Shengshi spoke, for that was who he was, her gaze turned to him and she marveled at his body. It was completely different then Kalmar’s Arryn’s and even her own. Not one to be rude, she spoke aloud merrily, [color=ivory]”Oh! Hello!”[/color] There was a long quiet pause, the kind in which the air fills with a seething fume that alerts a possible transgression of norms. There was a long inhalation sound, the wiff-through-the-nose kind, and a pensive hum from the bow of the ship. The snake frowned in the girl’s direction. “... Mortal,” he hissed. “Tell me, are you a gift, by chance?” Arya cocked her head when Shengshi asked her that question. It was a strange one, and it brought back some memories. Unpleasant ones. [color=ivory]”Well…”[/color] she began softly, [color=ivory]”My father wouldn’t call me that. Quite the opposite, actually.”[/color] She finished with a hint of dejection in her voice. There was another hum from the ship, then a snap. Suddenly, a limb of water shot out from underneath the ship, soaring towards the two in the blink of an eye. What happened next was a blur. Arryn tried his best to bank away from its course, but could not quite escape the grasp, and his right wing was caught a large fist of water. The two were carried towards the ship and gently placed down on deck. One minute they were hovering in the air, then the next a stream of water grabbed Ary and pulled the both of them onto the ship. Once she landed, Arya immediately grabbed Ary and like a worried mother, began to soothe him. [color=ivory]”Oh Ary, are you alright! Are you hurt?”[/color] she mewled softly to the bird, before looking up at Shengshi, her eyes now expressing anger. [color=ivory]”That wasn’t nice! You could have hurt Ary!”[/color] she said upset, [color=ivory]”Why would you do that? If you wanted us on board, all you had to do was ask!”[/color] she finished, rocking the avatar like a swaddled child. Arryn was quite alright. He shook free of Arya’s grip and flew up onto her shoulder, glaring at the lizard and protectively raising one of his wings. His master had told him about this creature, and though the lizard had not been described as a hostile threat, it had not exactly been a glowing account. His duty was to protect Arya, so that was what he would do. The snake sneered at the girl, but cupped his hand in an inviting gesture. “I apologise from the bottom of my heart, young one,” he began, “I was perhaps a little rash in my action - I merely wanted you aboard so you could conserve your strength. Now, if you would be so kind as to humour me by answering three questions, my gratitude to you would be immeasurable.” He bowed to her to demonstrate his statement. Arya was happy to see Arryn fly to her shoulder, he seemed quite alright, which was a relief. What would she tell Kalmar if something happened to him? Hopefully that would never happen. And so she listened to the snake speak, and she squinted her eyes, something wasn’t quite right about this one. He seemed… insincere yet blanked the air with an apology. How odd. [color=ivory]”Hmph.”[/color] she let out before saying, [color=ivory]”It’s nicer to ask instead of using force. Please remember that. Now, what are these questions of yours?”[/color] she asked while stroking Arryn’s cheek. The snake dipped even lower for a moment. “Of course, young one - your anger is certainly justified. My action was unacceptable and I pray I may be forgiven in time.” He straightened himself back up, a blank expression tainted perhaps by a slight frown engraved on his face. “Now, if you do not mind, I shall ask the first question.” He cleared his throat for effect. “Who are you?” She nodded approvingly, still not quite believing the snake. He seemed, unhappy about something. But that was no excuse for not being polite. [color=ivory]”Well, that’s simple,”[/color] she said, [color=ivory]”My name is Arya, and this here is Arryn, but I like to call him Ary.”[/color] she stroked the bird again. The snake nodded slowly, shooting the bird a particularly suspicious glare. “How splendid. What are you doing here?” [color=ivory]”Currently, I’m answering questions.”[/color] Arya mused. There came an audible sigh that bordered on a groan from the snake, but apart from a slightly shaky fist, the creature remained unmoving. He even cracked what could generously be called a smile. “Hah. A jester, I see,” he mused coldly. “Very well. I have one last question, if you would not mind.” He gave her a malicious wink. Kalmar’s words echoed in her head once more, she couldn’t be afraid. But the snake was doing a very good job at making her frightened. She had to stand up to him as well it seemed. But first, she needed to ask her own question. [color=ivory]”Are… Are you going to hurt me?”[/color] she asked innocently. The snake visibly recoiled with an audible scoff, placing a palm on his chest. “Hurt you? Oh no, no, no…” He slithered a little closer, his hands gathering behind his back. “That would be poor etiquette - a little bit like ‘not answering a question’, yes?” His forked tongue stabbed at the air mere inches from Arya’s face. [color=ivory]”Oh okay!”[/color] she exclaimed. [color=ivory]”Your scales are really pretty this close. So what was your final question?”[/color] Arya asked. “Why, thank you,” he said and chuckled. “You are cute, I will admit as much - yet the final question remains.” He pulled back a little and looked to the side. “Do you know who I am?” [color=ivory]”Of course! You are Shengshi, God of Rivers and this is your beautiful boat! I don’t know it’s name though. Kalmar told me about all the gods when he found me but I guess he forgot to mention that. What do you call this place?”[/color] she asked cheerfully. Shengshi’s face contorted into a mixture of every possible emotion, though the most evident ones were rage and confusion, as displayed by unevenly raised brows and grinding teeth. “So, you mean to tell me that you were completely aware of who I was - and you still held that demeanor?” The snake’s voice could not decide either whether it wanted to scream in rage or inquire quietly. Arya watched Shengshi’s face contort into rage, and her own expression became one of concern. She began to speak quickly, [color=ivory]”Oh! Are you okay? What did I do! Please, please don’t be angry! I don’t know what you mean. What demeanor? I’m sorry.”[/color] she began to tremble. [color=brown]”Show strength,”[/color] Arryn’s voice - a voice he rarely used - advised within her head. [color=brown]”He sees your fear.”[/color] At once she felt calm, and her trembling stopped. She relaxed, and tried to reassess the situation. She couldn’t show her fear, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t be compassionate. The snake looked like he was hurting, and she hated to see that. She took an audible breath, and spoke again. [color=ivory]”I apologize for any offense, Shengshi. I did not have time to think about any sort of demeanor after being forcefully dragged onto your ship. My priority was Arryn.”[/color] she finished, hoping she said the right thing. The snake placed two index fingers on his lips and let out a long, very long sigh. “No, no, you are not at fault here, young one - you simply (how to put this delicately?) received your education from the wrong source.” His scowl turned to a warm smile. “You would naturally not know how to properly act towards-” [color=brown]”Hold your tongue,”[/color] Arryn spoke sharply, not telepathically, but out loud. The snake ran his eyes up and down the bird’s figure, letting out a single cold scoff. “I thought I smelled the unwashed spawn of that barbarian. Does he send spies my way to ensure my loyalty, now?” [color=brown]”Hold. Your. Tongue.”[/color] Arryn repeated, the edge in his voice rising, with a hint if outrage. [color=brown]”You had no right to drag us here, and you have no right to insult my creator.”[/color] Arya was highly confused at the sudden outbursts on either side, so much so it did more to frighten her then anything else. [color=ivory]”S-Stop!”[/color] she said meekly, but neither of them seemed to notice. “An interesting claim - ‘no right to insult my creator’,” the snake mused. He repeated it a few more times as if tasting the words. The ship had, at this point, already descended to the point where it was a mere hundred metres off the river surface of Nanhe. “Your creator, bless his heart, may be skilled in chucking spears and rocks and setting animal waste aflame...” The snake closed in on the two, completely ignoring the poor, little girl. “It should be no secret to him nor his creations that what love I have for him is cordial at best. He is more than welcome at my table; however, know this, little bird-” The snake stabbed a clawed finger into the air in front of the bird’s beak. “- My holy body will be rotting for eternity and my soul shattered into a billion fragments before I consider your creator anything above scum. Now… Get off my ship before I send him another carcass to skin.” The bird glared back. A few tense moments passed, as Arryn locked eyes with Shengshi. [color=brown]”Arya,”[/color] he said, his voice telepathic once more, so that only she could hear. [color=brown]”When I strike, run to the edge, and jump. There is water beneath us. Do not hesitate, and do not look back.”[/color] Arya had listened to Shengshi with black tears streaming down her face. He words were so… so cruel. What they both said was rude to the other, and she had no idea why they would act in such away. But it came obvious as Shengshi went on, the two Gods did not like one another, that much was true. They seemed to hate each other. And though she was afraid of Shengshi, and thankful for Kalmar, she saw the look in the snake’s eye. The rage, the anger, and behind it all- sadness. As to what she did not know, but she wanted to find out. Kalmar had taught her how to survive, and she wasn’t going to survive with a baby sitter, as much as he was cute. So, Arya placed Arryn on the ground, then walked in front of him, in between the two bickering divines. [color=ivory]”No Arryn. You beautiful creature. No. I know that Kalmar wanted you to watch over me, and I know that you would faithfully, but how can I survive on my own if I have help? How can I grow? How can I learn if I have a guiding hand?”[/color] here eyes smiled softly as she paused, [color=ivory]”Please, go home Arryn. For me? It’ll be alright. I’ll...I’ll be okay. Tell Kalmar that… That I’ll win.”[/color] she said before turning around to face the snake. [color=ivory]”Do not speak ill of Kalmar, please.”[/color] she said defiantly, [color=ivory]”He took me in when I was lost. When I was afraid. When I was alone… He taught me how to survive, but his lessons only went so far. So I will ask you this, Shengshi, God of Rivers- Teach me. Teach me what he could not. So that I can learn more. So I can face my fears.”[/color] she asked as her eyes softened. Arryn was betrayed. A moment ago, he had been ready to put his life on the line for the honour of his master. He would have clawed out the lizard’s eyes and presented them to Kalmar as a trophy. He would have gotten Arya away from his toxic influence. Yet Arya had turned on him. Shocked and devastated, he could find not words. He knew there was some truth in her words, and perhaps his master would have even approved of some of it, yet to leave like this... The ship landed softly on the river. The snake’s bloodthirsty glare moved from the bird to Arya’s face like the face of the moon: menacingly slowly. However, at the mentioning of Arya’s loneliness, it seemed that something with those blazing eyes stirred, a movement that expanded outwards until all the fury in the snake’s visage had given way to pity. He let out a sigh. “You are a piece of work, young one,” he said. After a short pause, he snickered softly and turned to give the bird a stern scowl. “Bird.” [color=brown]”My name is Arryn.”[/color] The bird hissed defiantly, despite his heartbreak. “I could write ten classics about how little I care. Your protectee has made her request - and we will both honour it. We may both share little but spite for one another, but she is guilty of nothing but being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Her wishes are above our feud.” Arryn was silent. His will to fight was gone, and he wanted to leave, yet he also could not do so without another show of defiance, some sort of last word. [color=brown]”You were of a different mind not ten seconds ago,”[/color] he said, and then he took flight. The snake sighed, a tint of regret plaguing his voice. “I know… The river adapts… And I am sorry.” He turned to the girl and put his hands behind his back. “You are certain about this, then?” he inquired softly, his face betraying nothing but weariness. Arya had watched Arryn fly off until he was but a speck in the sky. One of her only friends, hurt beyond measure, because of her. She hoped what she was doing was worth it. She turned around as Shengshi spoke, fresh tears falling down her face. [color=ivory]”If I ever want to return home…”[/color] she said, glancing up at the moon, [color=ivory]”I have to learn and grow and win. So yes, I am certain.”[/color] Arya said with confidence. The snake nodded somberly. He slithered closer and bowed before the mortal. He straightened back up and eyed her up and down. “Three things before we begin: One, in my domain, there is only -one- religion: Hierarchy. I, your lord, am at the top. Where are you?” [color=ivory]”Beneath my lord.”[/color] she said, catching on quickly. “Very good. Two, only the lord is worthy of addressing oneself as ‘I’ or, for the fancier lot, ‘we’. The servants, that being you, will address themselves as “this servant” or “Your servant”. Say ‘I agree’ if you understand.” [color=ivory]”I-”[/color] she let slip out before shaking her head, [color=ivory]”This servant agrees.”[/color] That was close, too close. She’d have to watch herself. That was going to be difficult. The snake smiled warmly. “Very, very good. You are quite the quick learner, dearest. Thirdly…” He plucked at his beard. “You will need a new name.” He hummed ponderously. “Arya is coarse - painful on the tongue.” Arya stood up straighter at the mention of a new name. Her eyes expressed a profound sense of sorrow. She liked Arya. She was Arya. Then again, Kalmar had also said that a name was just a name. One could take others, she would have to do the same. But in that moment, she promised herself, she would never forget Arya- her first name. The snake snapped his fingers. Two water globule servants stormed out the gates of his palace with a sheet of rice paper and a calligraphy brush, already tipped with ink. “Your name already has two syllables. That is a good number.” He let his pencil dance across the surface of the paper. “Your role is that of servant, but for your willingness to serve, you shall be granted a name befitting your sacrifice.” He wrote down two characters and then handed the paper to Arya. Arya was surprised to see the water servants appear from seemingly out of nowhere, and produce such strange items for Shen- For her master. After a moment, he bestowed upon her the thin piece of material that held strange, black tears on it’s surface. She looked at it, very, very hard. Then back to Shengshi. [color=ivory]”This...This servant...is...grateful?”[/color] she said unsure of herself. How exactly did this pertain to a new name? It was nothing to her but strange. “You will learn to read posthaste. For now, I will read for you.” The snake held his palm over her head and commanded proudly: “I welcome you into my court, my servant, and bless you with the name Anxin - ‘heart of peace’. Serve me well and endless wealth shall be yours.” Oh! That made sense, somewhat. She had no idea what reading was, but it sounded like something one should know, but more importantly she had a new name. Anxin. It was… strange, but just like Arya, it fit. [color=ivory]”Anxin…”[/color] she said aloud, letting the words echo about her, before looking up at her master. [color=ivory]”This servant is humbled. Thank you, my lord.”[/color] The snake nodded. “You learn fast, my dear. The servants will show you to your room. I advise you to rest up before we begin your lessons.” With that, the snake turned and slithered into the palace. Arya watched him go, then looked back out across the horizon. As the water servants began to shuffle her away and inside, she let out a sad sigh, [color=ivory]”I never said goodbye…”[/color] And then the ship swallowed her. [hr] [color=f7941d][b][u]The Hunter’s Flight[/u][/b][/color] The coast of Kalgrun vanished behind him, and the coast of Atokhekwoi came within view, though Kalmar did not know the continent’s name as of yet. He soared over it, flying up and down, scanning the fresh barren rock, searching for a suitable location. He found one in the continent’s northeastern corner. A vast mountain. He did not know it, but it was called Mount Chop. The Hunter flew up to its peak and set himself down. From here, he could see in every direction. Nothing would surprise him. Content with the summit’s defensible position, he closed his eyes, and focused. [color=f7941d]”Orvus.”[/color] The God of the Hunt said, reaching out telepathically, [color=f7941d]”We need to talk.”[/color] [hr] [hider=Summary] Kalmar teaches Arya how to survive, and shares some of his philosophy. Once he is satisfied that she has learned the essentials, he sent her out to go explore Dragon’s Foot with Arryn, to learn more of the world. As they arrive at the continent, they are intercepted by Shengshi, who forcefully welcomes them on board his ship. Things are tense at first, and this only worsens when Kalmar’s name is brought up. When Shengshi begins to speak ill of Kalmar, Arryn snaps and commands him to hold his tongue. The insults continue, until eventually Arryn is poised to strike. Arya is the one who defuses it, believing that she might be able to learn something from Shengshi, and that she should be able to make decisions by herself. A saddened Arryn is sent away. Shengshi then takes Arya in as a servant. He lays down the rules and gives her a new name - Anxin. Meanwhile, Kalmar has gone south to Aktokhekwoi. From the summit of Mount Chop, he is finally ready to confront Orvus. [/hider] [hider=Might Expenditure] Kalmar No FP or MP spent Shengshi Started with: 0MP/0FP Snakey happy boye [/hider] [hider=Blooper] “Your name already has two syllables. That is a good number.” He let his pencil dance across the surface of the paper. “Your role is that of servant, but for your willingness to serve, you shall be granted a name befitting your sacrifice.” He wrote down two characters and then handed the paper to Arya. She looked at the paper, having not a fucking clue as to what it said. She looked back at Shengshi like he was the dumbest person in the world and said aloud, [color=ivory]”Yo, I can’t read this shit, snake man”[/color] [/hider]