[hider=The Student] [center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/556250346662658048/584987721999843338/sample_46c244c1d3c277dc539567cb9a40437ed1147954.png[/img][/center] [color=f26522][u][b]Identity: [/b][/u][/color] Marc Kurosawa, a young man whose appearance could fool anyone into thinking he's attending one of the colleges around, when in actuality he's nothing more than a seventeen year old student at Tenoroshi Academy. It doesn't help that he could be easily picked out from a crowd of his peers, considering his short hair displays a light blonde hue, as well as standing at 5'10. His eyes, while shown to be predominantly yellow, are actually contacts that hide his true, keen dark blue eyes. Further more, his glasses seem to be predominantly for style, as the lenses are popped out. Further more, the aura he exudes comes off as a tryhard, rather than aloof and cool as he'd like, especially with his normally conceited smile. For his body type, it's decently toned for a high schooler's; he could join one of the sports teams if he even had a vague semblance of interest in it... in fact, not a whole lot of things really interest him, to the point where 90% of the time, he's either going through the motions or trying something new that he'll eventually forgo. He's thankful he lives in a spacious apartment complex in the northern downtown of Tenoroshi as his room is a disorganized mess with myriads of discarded interests littering the landscape. The only things he really finds any interest in is sleuthing, discussing mysteries surrounding Tenoroshi, as well as exploring the city, reading at the library, and sometimes using his moms gym pass (someones gotta use it). [color=f26522][u][b]Psyche: [/b][/u][/color] What's to say about Marc? He's the biggest, badass dude around! Honestly, if anyone hung out with him for too long, they would probably implode from being unable the handle this dudes 'tude. Well, that's what he would like to think anyways, aside from the whole "imploding" shtick. All I can really say is that, for the life of him, cannot determine what kind of "cool" he wants to be and it's pretty jarring. Unless you get him talking, he stays relatively silent, crossing his arms, sneering, staring, possibly making some cringy quippy one liner that makes him sound like he's been watching too many old spaghetti westerns. Strong, silent, and cool was what he was aiming for, which could almost be possible if he didn't talk as much. Get his mouth running, and you'll have a blowhard who'll peacock himself at the drop of a hat. Honestly, these two states contrast so much to the point where, yes, his tryhard nature comes into full effect. However, what reason for this is rather simple - a desire to fit in, be cool, be one of the in groups, not some sort of "social pariah." This equates to him going between doing crap that would seriously get him injured to boldly trying to assume control of a conversation that he lacks the skill to manage. Granted, this attention whoring has caused him to alienate himself, save for a select few people he can count on one hand; two hands is just stretching it. If anything, Marc would love to stop pretending to be this braggart that lacks empathy for anyone but himself, but he lacks the emotional maturity to understand that. The only time he can really stop pretending is in his stopped time, in which he shows a much more upbeat, yet lax, almost borderline lazy traits. For all the energy that he has now, it becomes multiplied when in his own little world. Granted, he'll have to return to reality some time, but he enjoys these brief moments where he can just be him. And finally, the most important part - his unending thirst for discovering the whimsical reasons for certain events in such a mundane town, as well as trying to discover new places. Marc isn't easily placated, unless you either load him full two or three animal tranquilizers or have him discover the truth behind a mystery. Granted, even once this one thing comes to fruition, he'll begin thirsting for more; he may or may not be on the spectrum. [color=f26522][u][b]Background: [/b][/u][/color] Marc is a foreigner when it comes to Tenoroshi and it shows. While he can speak in Japanese, he often fumbles about, making mistakes, often playing it up as that he meant to say that. Originally, he was conceived in Reims, France to a French mother and Japanese father. While he did have a decent life, he never really did make any friends. Granted, he did move around a lot, never staying in one place with his family for too long, going from Reims to Paris to Biarritz, before eventually traversing beyond France. He has seen many, many European countries due to his father often taking them along, even living in Germany and the UK for a time. Granted, all this traveling was whimsical and fun for the time, but Marc's mother, Charlotte, was gradually growing frustrated since they could barely settle down, especially with them struggling to bring home a paycheck. It finally reached a high point when he brought them back to Japan where he promised to try and settle down... before struggling to do so. There were lots of fights, which Marc vividly remembered and shudder to think of till this very day. Eventually, there was a divorce, Marc's mom getting custody of him, and her transferring to Tenoroshi. There was a... discernible lack of disconnect and his mother tried to stay properly connected to her son by introducing him to myriads of activities, most that he would discard after a while, all while trying to maintain some semblance of consistency in the household, as well as managing her job and social life. On the other end of the spectrum, we come to Marc's side of the story. He was a bit of a quiet kid, took a bit after his father in a couple of departments, but overall was generally lonely and a bit of a weird kid. It didn't help that he was caught in both being a French and Japanese mix, often trying to associate himself with the other kids and fit in by attempting to go by a Japanese name... and that worked as well as one expected it too. This was evermore increased with no one to come home to, chat with on a regular basis, and so on. It truth, it was mostly a lonely life, even with someone to support and pay for the apartment, he ended up having to do most of his own food for himself, learning to cook, and be a bit self-sufficient. During this time, however, something began to change, as a caterpillar metamorphosing into a moth. There was a certain cocky grin, a swagger in his step. He began doing increasingly idiotic things that a delinquent might do, hell, he might of even smoked for a bit... though he had a dissatisfying first attempt, so that's the only time he really has smoked. It was... somewhat manageable at first. Vexing, but most students handled this lone wolf well. Of course, they began to eventually notice a slow increase in how obnoxious he was becoming; sure, he wasn't disruptive in the classroom, but outside of that, he became almost intolerable to a nearly inexcusable length. His grades slowly began to rise up and rival even the most intellectual in his homeroom. He was an "ace" with no seemingly redeeming qualities whatsoever. What happened, some might of asked. The Lostman did. Met... her(?) on the rooftops while he was relaxing, watching the sunset with a can of beer he bummed off Rin earlier in the day. Honestly, the question they asked startled him, more so because he was neither expecting anyone to come up here, much less sit next to him. Of course, he was a little unnerved, trying to counter with a couple of questions of his own, before giving up upon being met with general silence. Of course, this frustrated Marc, causing him to just give them an answer, though with a bit of prose and detail about his thoughts about the city sprinkled in. Once he believed her to be satisfied, Marc turned away for a second, retreading on the questions from a few minutes ago, only to notice out of the corner of his eye that she had vanished. Of course, that wasn't the strangest thing that happened on that day as he gazed here and there, trying to seek the girl out, only to discover his world was frozen in time. [color=f26522][u][b]Quirks: [/b][/u][/color] If he was asked this question he would shrug, try to prop himself up in a manner that would fit his mind of how he could exude badassery and nonchalantly shrug before stating "I'unno, explorin' the city for anything interestin'?" Really though, outside of being able to punch something really hard, he's pretty decent at parkour; allowed him to discover the wonderful sight from the Tengu's Villa. Also, great at mimicking other people's voices. May or may not have a number of useless, miscellaneous skills, as evidenced by things around his room, such as "abstract" (i.e. crappy) pottery on his desk, a ditched flute case being used as a substitute for a proper bookend, some unfilled pots in the corner with an unopened bag of seeds, two or three mismatched weights, etc. For some odd reason, he performs well on most assignments and test, despite goofing off or spending time at the library doing anything but.[/hider]