[h2]A.L.M.A. Unit "Roxanne"[/h2] It appeared the search had borne fruit, at least for the first drop team. Felix had detected a signal of some sort, and relayed the knowledge to Roxanne's drop team... or at least to some of them. Eileen, still on her lonesome, made the proactive decision to pursue the signal in her own right, whilst Maria merely remained airborne, asking whether Felix saw anything yet. However, Lilliana had yet to update her status, and Luna seemed distracted. Distracted to the point of turning on a communication system that should not have been turned off to begin with, and asking if anybody had found anything interesting yet. For part of a search team, this was a bad sign. 'Luna, please do not disable your communications during a search operation,' Roxanne stated bluntly. 'If you are caught off-guard whilst they are inactive, we will not be able to help you. Felix, you have done well; please take the rest of your team to rendezvous with the agent. Luna, Maria, Lilliana, there are two options: follow Eileen's signal and assist in retrieving the agent; or continue to search fo-' She halted mid-sentence as Eileen's report came in. Not one, but two survivors. Excellent. The mission was already roughly 55% of the way toward total success. 'Addendum: There are two options: follow Eileen's signal and assist in retrieving the two agents; or continue to search for the remaining agents.' Both would likely assist matters greatly, but as drop team A were already assisting the agents, drop team B would probably be in a good position to continue searching the region, as Roxanne chose to do - though she did announce that she was doubling the range of her steps to two kilometers from now onward, in order to increase the rate at which she performed her search.